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Items tagged with: contempt

So many #HouseRepublicans have gone to NY to support #Trump at his trial that it’s messing w/ #GOP *work* Capitol Hill, including their partisan fights.

With Reps #AndyBiggs of #Arizona & #AnnaPaulinaLuna & #MikeWaltz of #Florida all at the trial, the #House Oversight has been forced to postpone its planned vote to hold AG Merrick #Garland in #contempt of #Congress. Today’s vote has been pushed back from 11AM to 8PM for members to return to Washington 🙄.

#law #TrumpTrial #HouseRepublicans

As I was unable to do a #TrumpTrial 🧵 today, here’s a #GiftArticle on the day’s proceedings:

“After 2 wks of enthralling jurors w/stories of sex & scandal, prosecutors delved into the documents at the heart of Trump’s #criminal trial on Mon, a pivotal turn in the case that came on the same day the judge held #Trump in #contempt & threatened to #jail him.”