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Items tagged with: fascist

If you identify as a #Libertarian and you think it makes any sense for #trump to speak at your convention, then you are clearly in denial because he is obviously a #fascist #autocrat

On #ThisDayInHistory in 1945, Italian #communist #partisans arrested and executed former #Fascist dictator #BenitoMussolini, his mistress, and the others who were trying to escape with him to Switzerland. The corpses were taken to Milan and hung upside down. #SicSemperTyrannis




"And it's eerily similar to the double standards enjoyed by the apparatchiks back in the Soviet Union."

Yes, absolutely.
And there is yet another similarity: the #fascist movement in #Italy with its #BlackShirts came into existence b/c the #Italian landed gentry and industrialists were afraid of losing their property to the plebs, like their #Russian counterparts in the #OctoberRevolution of 1918.

Seen from this perspective, #Communism is the...

#ArtificialWombs #Ethics #Biotechnology #ReproductiveTechnology


...disappearing at a breathtaking rate.

And then there is also yet another ethical dimension, that of #fascist #eugenics. Who decides who will live or what will be procreated #IVF and then carried to term by an #ArtificialWomb?

#Humanity has already messed around enough with #evolution. Some combinations of the human #genome might simply not be meant to...