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Items tagged with: ACAB

Reminder that the AFP tipped off the Indonesian police about the Bali Nine rather than waiting to arrest them when they landed in Australia. This led to two of them being executed

#AusPol #ACAB

Här försöker polisen i Malmö sprida två lögner med syfte att inskränka demokratiska rättigheter.

1. Att en demonstration är olaglig för att det inte ansökts demonstrationstillstånd. Rätten att samlas för opinionsyttring är skyddad av grundlagen.

2. Att den som filmar polisens arbete på offentlig plats gör sig skyldig till brott. Att filma polisen har visat sig ha en både viktig deeskalerande effekt mot övervåld samt som bevis om sådant sker.…



The cops were making crack all through the 90s and used it to lock up over 2000 people. I wonder how many more they just sold crack to.…

#acab #Florida

WTF, a small town mayor was just chased to his death by cops for what they claim was a wellness check. They say he was not being chased for any crime, just for a wellness check. During the chase Mayor of McColl South Carolina, George Garner, got into an accident and was hit head on by an on coming 18 wheeler.…

#McColl #GeorgeGarner #acab #f12 #SouthCarolina #Darlington

Police have "Black Ops Sites" where they take prisoners to be tortured.

Here is an article from 2015 reporting on the existence of such sites with thousands of detainees, american citizens:…

Here is a video from 2023 of a cop threatening to take someone to a black ops site in Florida if they dont behave:

#ACAB #Police #PoliceBrutality