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Items tagged with: BS

ICYMI, Adam Serwer’s “The REAL DEI Candidates”

“…Many *#conservatives* have focused on #DEI not because of their moral & sometimes practical objections to #diversity efforts…but because it allows THEM to express underlying assumptions about the inherent inferiority of #Black people & #women implicitly, w/o sounding like THEY are making those assumptions themselves.“

#racism #CultureWars #BS
#VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

Simulate what life on Mars would be like:

"Step one is to clear out your freezer. Step two is to lock yourself inside of it. (You can bring your phone, if you like!) When you get desperately hungry, your loved ones on the outside may deliver some food to you no sooner than nine months after you ask for it. This nine-month wait will also apply when you start banging on the inside of the freezer, begging to be let out."

#Mars #Solarocks #Space #BS #Musk