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Items tagged with: Musk

I made a simple diagram to help show people who aren't on the #Fediverse how it works. Feel free to share with people who want to escape #Musk and #Zuckerberg but feel intimidated by the Fediverse.

#socialmedia #Twitter #X #Meta #Facebook #Threads #Instagram #Mastodon #PixelFed #Friendica #PeerTube #fascism

Everything #Musk touches is corrupted

Everything #Trump touched dies

They are a perfect couple

“Chinese officials are evaluating a potential option that involves Elon #Musk acquiring the US operations of #TikTok if the company fails to fend off a controversial ban on the short-video app, according to people familiar with the matter.”…

Is #Elon a #cheater?

There are numerous indications that Elon is having his #player accounts leveled up by #Chinese.


#china #game #gamer #reddit #ElonMusk #Musk #fail #problem #time

I recommend Carole Cadwalladr's Substack essay "Total information collapse" today. As with everything she writes, it's incisive, richly thoughtful, and disturbing (in the best way possible). Hard to choose passages to excerpt in an essay so dense. Here's a taste:

"We are so ill-equipped to face the coming threat."

#Trump #Musk #Zuckerberg #disinformation #EconomicElites #authoritarianism

“Europe’s largest pension fund sold its entire $585 mil stake in #Tesla Inc. in 3rd quarter partly due to disagreement w #Musk’s remuneration package.

“We had a problem” w Musk’s pay package…. The fund also considered costs, return and responsible investment requirements in its decision to sell its investment”…

I’m pretty sure that there are laws in every country in Europe to punish these hate speeches ( and the editors of these publications. )

It is time to ban shitter and meta in Europe.

#shitter #meta #musk #zuckenberg

“Boring” but not boring.

“In building a 68-mile tunnel under Las Vegas, Elon #Musk’s Boring Company has skirted building, environmental and labor regulations, according to records obtained by ProPublica and City Cast Las Vegas”— ProPublica…


Hätte sich #Musk mit #Habeck oder #Baerbock getroffen, würde keiner so rumheulen, als würde die Welt untergehen. 🤦‍♂️

Gentle Canadian satire gets #Musk treatment. #FreeSpeechMyAss

“CBC News : Vancouver strip club marquee cited as hate speech on X” #Canada…

"Pause for a moment to note how the same Brexiters who once insisted EU refrigeration standards for exported kippers, which turned out not to exist, were an intolerable violation of British sovereignty are now untroubled by a foreign oligarch openly engaged in overturning a British election" -… why do #brexiters hate the UK so much? #musk

I cannot find a better illustration to depict the insanity of today's world:


#trump #musk #twitter #amazon #bezos #meta #facebook #politics

Wenn der #Weidel-#Musk-Talk eins gezeigt hat, dann dass beide glücklicherweise doch Trottel ersten Ranges sind. Brandgefährliche Trottel, aber Trottel.

Elon #Musk: Die Leute müssen die #AfD wirklich unterstützen, sonst wird es in Deutschland noch viel schlimmer.
#musk #AfD

Amazing talk on the rising US broligarchy by two of my favorite authors/intellectuals/thinkers, @pluralistic (Cory Doctorow) & @yanisvaroufakis (Yanis Varoufakis) , hosted by my favorite political movement @diem_25

Edit: looks like the video was truncated, can viewed in Google's fiefdom here:…

#diem25 #musk #technofeudalism #enshittification #oligarchy #trump

Steve #Bannon: #Musk’s money will help us make Europe a populist haven -… this is arguably the most serious threat to European democracy now, and I doubt leaders there understand the seriousness of the threat... #adtech

That's really frightening...

“Musk just spent a quarter of a billion dollars to elect Trump,” said Bannon (right-wing podcaster). “If he puts the same amount of money into all of Europe that he put behind Trump, he will flip every nation to a populist agenda. There’s not a centrist left-wing government in Europe that will be able to withstand that onslaught.”…

#politics #Europe #trump #musk

"By the end of 2024, #Zuckerberg had given up on finding any middle path through the polarized and opposite criticisms leveled against him by Republicans & Democrats.
#Musk spent the past year showing how Republican party support can be bought — cheaply. Zuckerberg’s motivation has only ever been to win. And a doddering, transactional Trump presented #Meta with a rare opportunity for a fresh start.
All they would have to do is whatever #Trump wanted them to do."…

LIVE Interview Elon #Musk mit Alice #Weidel
Am Donnerstag überträgt der Kontrafunk den Dialog zwischen Alice Weidel und Elon Musk live ab 19 Uhr mit einer deutschen Simultanübersetzung.

An Open Letter to All European Politicians and Leaders to Abandon X/Twitter

Join the call for action against disinformation and biased agendas. Sign the petition if you agree:…

Edit 1 (11.01.25): new banner created. Leave X - Protec Democracy

Edit 2 (13.01.25):
- website created
- contributions for translations welcome here!
- contributions to the website…
- use the hashtag #LeaveX

#X #EU #Twitter #Musk #disinformation #petition #SocialMedia #decentralization #democracy

Dies sind alle Organisationen, in die Bill #Gates in Deutschland investiert.

Aber klar, Elon #Musk mischt sich in die deutsche Politik ein.

Elon Musk’s dad brings him down a peg or two and urges people to ‘ignore him’
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Musk #Twitter #Mastodon #socialmedia #Fediverse…

Guter Text zum #Faschisten #Musk.…

Jeez, the far-right campaign against free & open access information disguised as "culture war" has managed to politicize Wikipedia, of all things 🙄…

#wikipedia #musk #OpenAccess

#Musk nennt sich auf #X jetzt Kekius Maximus, König von Kekistan, mit Pepe the Frog als Profilbild, einer Lieblingsfigur von Faschos, und zeigt sich damit offen rechtsextrem.

Die Kekistan-Flagge wird hier erklärt:…

#musk #x

:loading: I was waiting for this exterior view, Aral.
Thank YOU for providing it.
The view from the lobby interior didn't show enough detail of Elon's folly exploding in front of Trump's gaucherie, and those views were all that were being posted earlier
Haven't heard yet if any raccoons were injured in this incident. :loading:
#ExplodingCyberTruck #LasVegas #Musk #Trump #Irony #Symbolism #Metafor #GuillotineJones

#Demokratie #Rechtsextremismus #Musk #Springer #Döpfner #AfDVerbot

Der @derpostillon hätte einen Literaturpreis verdient: das hat fast schon Bert-Brecht-Niveau. Durch milde Verschiebung wird die gesamte Absurdität sichtbar. Ein Lehrstück.…

Looks like another forced custody holiday for #musk with his #ruzzian family. Xmas in little ruZZia on the Atlantic.

Sensitive content

Saudi Prince Alwaleed’s Kingdom Holding has now invested $800 million in Elon Musk’s xAI and in related news Elon Musk has just set-up a new company X.AI London Ltd as he aligns with Nigel Farage’s far-right Reform party, my latest:

#ElonMusk #Musk #PrinceAlwaleed #KingdomHolding #XAI #Farage #ReformUK #ReformParty…

@jakob 👍 Und #Musk ist nicht mal allein: #Zuckerberg und #Bezos unterstützen #Trump und sind imho garantiert mit von der Partie bei Musk, auch wenn Zuckerberg quasi Konkurrent ist.

US business leaders set to break record on donations to Trump inaugural fund…

Grundsätzlich ist es eine gute Reaktion das Gegenteil von dem zu tun, was Elon #Musk will oder fordert. Aber man sollte auch kurz überlegen, ob das Gegenteil auch Sinn macht. Solange #Wikipedia sein #Sexismus Problem nicht in den Griff kriegt, gibt es von mir keine #Spende.………

US business leaders set to break record on donations to Trump inaugural fund…

Parmi les entreprises qui donnent ou s'apprêtent à donner des fortunes pour l'investiture de #Trump, pulvérisant tous les records précédents, on trouve, outre #Musk (#x et #Tesla), #Zuckerberg (#Facebook, #lnstagram & #Whatsapp), #Bezos (#Amazon), Ford, Toyota, General Motors ...

Tout le monde se lamente de l'arrivée des deux dangereux abrutis Musk et Trump à la tête des USA, et pourtant des millions des gens continuent à utiliser leurs produits à longueur de journée, et donc à les enrichir. Quelque chose m'échappe.

#BoycottX #BoycottMeta #BoycottAmazon

#Musk fürchtet alles, was er nicht potenziell kaufen und dadurch kontrollieren kann.

#Wikipedia ist nicht käuflich.

Musk und seine Gefolgschaft stellen sich eine (digitale) Welt vor, die von Misstrauen, Vereinzelung und autoritärer Kontrolle über Menschen und ihr Zusammenleben geprägt ist.

Wikipedia steht dagegen als einzige große Plattform für ein Netz, wie es sein könnte - communitygetragen, kostenlos, fakten- statt meinungsbasiert, werbefrei.

Du kannst mitmachen:…

Love it when bookshops or libraries arrange their books appropriately...‬ #bookshops #libraries #Musk