Items tagged with: CraigUnger
(6/n) make three-letter agents co-nonspirators, as #CraigUnger writes:
โ#Trump had been thoroughly compromised by #Russia and was a grave threat to national security. But the #FBI wasnโt doing anything about it!
One reason for that may have been that ๐on far too many occasions, FBI men in sensitive positions ended up on the take from the very people they were supposed to be investigatingโ๐!
"Did the FBIโs #CharlesMcGonigal Help Throw the 2016 Election to...
the less fortunate so they don't have to go marauding but can go to college, aka #TheDeepState in #MAGA #Newspeak, the most powerful military in the world, and the largest economy on earth to provide the funding for all that, then all what's been happening since tRump's inauguration starts to make terrible sense.
I and other more qualified have been shouting it from the rooftops:
#DonaldTrump is #MoscowsAssetGriftingAmerica (#MAGA).
As #CraigUnger has put it...
#GeoPol #Trump #Ukrainekrieg
Alles wird viel klarer, wenn man sich endlich der bitteren Wahrheit stellt, die mehrere Kennner der Politszene schon seit lรคngerem schrieben. Einer sogar mit 2 langjรคhrig recherchierten Bรผchern, der Autor #CraigUnger, hier im Interview:
Donald Trump ist schon seit Jahrzehnten ein "asset" des Kremls!...