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Items tagged with: Housing

Want a house in California? It’ll likely cost you over $900,000.

#california #housing

I'm really proud of Standingstone today. A baby was born here this morning, in the yurt we erected for his parents a fortnight ago. I'm proud that we have been able to give them a place to be, relatively protected from the stresses of the world, at this important moment.

But I'm a bit ashamed for Scotland that the best place we can offer to a pair of strangers in our midst, only one of whom speaks English well, to bring a child into the world, is a tent in a field.



Two more babies will be born in the parish this summer, both of them here at Standingstone, one to parents living in a wheeled shepherd's hut, one to parents living in an old caravan. Both those couples have one member who grew up here, who went to primary and secondary school here. Both couples are in employment.

But in modern Scotland, rural people earning rural incomes can no longer afford rural #housing.



🏘️ 🏚️ Excellent sample of when "letter of the law" is absolutely, no-question, morally WRONG. Anybody on here get a #mortgage "forgiven" back during the 2008(ish) financial crisis? You need to read this!

"We have a case where a portfolio of approximately 9,000 loans was sold for $6,000," she says. "And so each loan was sold for less than a dollar."

#foreclosure #housing

The main form of homelessness is people living in temporary accommodation, the main driver is an inability to afford housing, and America is not even particularly close to the worst. The UK holds that ignominious title, with an astonishing one in 200 households living in emergency lodging outside the formal housing sector."

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And in case you're thinking 'oh they're all in comfy bedsits' ...