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Items tagged with: KimJongUn

"Last week, Donald Trump used his speech at the Republican National Convention — before the largest audience television he’ll have to himself in the entire campaign — to praise Hungarian strongman Victor Orban and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, and to tout their desire for Trump to return to the White House."

~ Jamison Foser

#Trump #dictators #Orban #KimJongUn #NewYorkTimes #media

"Trump’s decision to use the most important speech of his campaign to praise Orban and Kim put into stark relief the choice facing voters this fall: Freedom, or fascism.

Or rather it should have.

Instead, it was all but ignored by the news media. The New York Times, for example still hasn’t mentioned Trump’s convention comments about Orban and Kim in a single news report, and it has drawn only brief passing mention in a single opinion column."

#Trump #Orban #KimJongUn #NewYorkTimes