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Items tagged with: PhiladelphiaInquirer

"There is only one candidate — Kamala Harris — who will preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States from foreign and domestic enemies.

So help us, God."
-Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial Board
#uspol #PhiladelphiaInquirer #VoteBlue #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #HarrisWalz #Election2024 #Vote #VoteEarly

Since WaPo joined the LA Times in a complete dereliction of journalistic duty in cowardly deciding to endorse no one, I'm sharing the #PhiladelphiaInquirer's #KamalaHarris endorsement.

My hometown Inky is owned not by Convicted Felon™️-loving billionaire techbros, but rather by the nonprofit Lenfest Center for Journalism. (And an Inky sub gets you the best WaPo et al stories anyway.)

Everyone #vote & #GOTV! LFGooo

#HarrisWalz2024 #journalism #USpol @KamalaHarrisWin