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Items tagged with: Solutions


Up untill now on average only 1 in 1732 europeans voted to tax the rich.

This is verry lazy, guys.

Deadline is getting near, so go spread it and sign it. It's finally 'what we want' and takes litteraly 2 minutes!

#eu #europe #taxtherich #european #inequality #climatechange #solutions

#USpolitics #Solutions for democracy #PopularVote

I often wonder: Why in the greatest democracy of the world 🤣 🤣 doesn't the popular vote not vote the President of that democracy ?
Ancient customs and too high regard for the letter of the constitution.

"Why We Need A National Popular Vote | Robert Reich"
by Robert Reich

Quote by RR:
"15 mei 2023
Twice this century, the loser of the popular vote has won the presidency.
Here's a plan to make sure that never happens again.
If you want to know more or get involved, click the link below to read about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
-> <-
If your state is not already a member, I urge you to contact your state’s senators and reps to get your state on board."

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot
