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Items tagged with: bible

An important early Christian document, the Crosby-Schøyen Codex, is up for auction in London. This codex is a mid-fourth century book from Egypt containing a combination of Bible and non-Biblical texts.

It was discovered around the same time as the Dead Sea Scrolls, but with significantly less fanfare
#Christianity #Bible

This is the common phrase we Israelis use when speaking of our sons and daughters returning from captivity or expressing the wish for that to happen.

This is a very respectful and common phrase you can use when communicating with Israelis or Hebrew speakers on the subject.

Now, these days we are witnessing the return of kidnapped Israelis to be buried rather than live their lives.

Each news of another body being returned for burial is heartbreaking. However, in Jewish and Israeli culture, there is great significance to having a burial and a body returned to its homeland.

As horrific as all of this is, there may be some consolation to the families who are able to have a place of burial in Israel for their loved ones.

יהי זכרם ברוך
May their memory be blessed

#hebrew #jewish #israel #jeremiah #bible