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Items tagged with: chrome

The fastest non-Google controlled web rendering engine Servo is trying to compete with only $1.6k funding a month:

Yes, they did have an NLNet grant, but that ran out.

If we want an alternative to Blink/Chrome, we need to fund it. This is a project where even a tiny regular amount could yield oversize returns:

#Servo #Rust #Blink #Google #Chrome

I don't know if y'all knew this... but if you're importing your #chrome profile into #firefox, and you happen to have one of several extensions installed (#ublockorigin for example!), those extensions will automatically get imported into your Firefox!

Just in case, y'know, you're thinking of switching for some reason.

Time to switch!

➡️ Google Chrome has started to limit ad blocking with Manifest V3.

➡️ Firefox and others still support uBlock Origin and uMatrix.

What's your favorite #Chrome #alternative ⁉️


Google plan to limit ad-blockers kicks off next week.

If only there were a way we could fire Chrome so we could out-fox Google's plan 🤔

#Firefox #Chrome #Google #AdBlock #uBlockOrigin

The whole #Google #Chrome #Manifestv3 fiasco reminded me...

Is there a good way to run #ublockorigin on #android? Or something like it?

And related, as I happen to prefer the #chromium UX over the one offered by #firefox .. is there a Chromium fork which will retain v2?

Boosts appreciated

Great news from @JanGrulich today. PipeWire camera patches are merged in Chromium and should be part of Chromium 127 (unless testing turns up something). This means both major browsers should have @pipewirep camera support soon. #linux #fedora #chrome