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Items tagged with: hassannasrallah

#GeoPol #Lebanon #Israel #MiddleEastWar

*Airstrike assasination of #Hezbolla leader #HassanNasrallah by #IDF*


...will not like hearing this at this point of the race, but it needs to be said.
There must be a difference between the way Red and Blue handle things.


#GeoPol #Lebanon #Israel #MiddleEastWar

*Airstrike assasination of #Hezbolla leader #HassanNasrallah by #IDF*


...immoral, but also contrary to US foreign-policy interests.
Sorry, but "he had it coming", because this is what it boils down to, is simply not good enough.

*From my point of view, it is high time that the Biden presidency ends and the Harris presidency begins.*

I am aware that quite some Blue voters...

#GeoPol #Lebanon #Israel #MiddleEastWar

*Airstrike assasination of #Hezbolla leader #HassanNasrallah by #IDF*


...not only #Palestinian supporters are questioning the validity of the #US' "unwaivering support" for a regime that is out of control and does what it wants, often without priorly consulting with its greatest sponsor, the USA.

Giving unconscionable, indicted probable criminal leaders a "carte blanche" to pretty much do as they please is not only...

#GeoPol #Lebanon #Israel #MiddleEastWar

*Airstrike assasination of #Hezbolla leader #HassanNasrallah by #IDF*


... it pains me to say this as a Blue supporter, once again there is a #Biden foreign-policy failure. He did not start this. As I had explained before, successive US presidents have been quite helpless in the face of foreign-policy adventures and aggressions of #Israeli presidents, in particular if his name was #Netanyahu. Nevetheless,...

#GeoPol #Lebanon #Israel #MiddleEastWar

*Airstrike assasination of #Hezbolla leader #HassanNasrallah by #IDF*


...#Netanyahu Regime on its neighbors from the unsolicited aggression of the imperialist #Putler Regime in Moscow in #Ukraine.

It is high time for the #Israeli people to kick out #Netanyahu who has a huge interest in kindling the flames in the region, so that he will not face criminal charges after his term of office inevitably comes to an end.

Finally, and...

#GeoPol #Lebanon #Israel #MiddleEastWar

*Airstrike assasination of #Hezbolla leader #HassanNasrallah by #IDF*

(4/n) war with Israel,#Lebanon, a failed nation without the means to push out the terrorist organization, is not.
The whole world has seen what the #Netanyahu Regime and the #IDF did in #Gaza. #Lebanon must not become a second Gaza.
I am surely not the only person who has trouble differentiation the pictures of devastation in the #MiddleEast inflicted by the...

#GeoPol #Lebanon #Israel #MiddleEastWar

*Airstrike assasination of #Hezbolla leader #HassanNasrallah by #IDF*


...the right to self-defense and #Hezbollah has fired 9,500 rokets accross the border since Oct. 7, 2023, killing and displacing many inhabitants in northern Israel. 3)

Attacking military installations of Hezbollah is a way of self-defense. Attacking residential areas in a country that is not at...



#GeoPol #Lebanon #Israel #MiddleEastWar

*Airstrike assasination of #Hezbollah leader #HassanNasrallah by #IDF*


the following promise from God:

β€œFor the sake of ten I will not destroy it."

(1.Mose 18,22) 1)

"The strike levelled six apartment buildings while injuring 91 people, according to Lebanon’s health ministry." 2)

Even though #Nasrallay coordinated the murder of many people, I do not find it in me to support this measure.

#Israel has...


#GeoPol #Lebanon #Israel #MiddleEastWar

*Airstrike assasination of #Hezbollah leader #HassanNasrallah by #IDF*


I am not a deeply religious person, however, as I read President #Biden's statement, I cannot help but remember a quote from the Old Testament:

Before the destruction of #Sodom and #Gomorrah, #Abraham intercedes on their behalf and asks:

"Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? He then negotiates...

