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Items tagged with: laws

#Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Is Increasingly Using Consumer Protection Laws to Pursue #Political Targets

Paxton has repeatedly used #laws that are supposed to protect people from fraudulent or deceptive practices to pursue entities he disagrees with politically, including #hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and #LGBTQ+ groups.

#News #Law #CriminalJustice

Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’

“This is the first time in German history that a climate protest group that uses measures of peaceful civil disobedience is charged as a criminal organisation."

“Paragraph 129 of the German criminal code is to combat organised crime. Its application to non-violent protest criminalises civic engagement and thus restricts democratic freedoms."

“This charge is especially dangerous for democracy and the right to peaceful protest because the charge turns the constitutional right of protest, freedom of speech and political assembly into a crime simply because some laws were broken in course of civil disobedient protest."
#ClimateBreakdown #laws #rights #activism #protests #CivilDisobedience #CivilSociety #EU #FossilFuels


testimony & conclusions rest.

It's imp to ensuring just, fair & equitable APPLICATION of #laws, i.e., #JUSTICE has been achieved, that experts in the law, w/knowledge & understanding of how the #law has been successfully & unsuccessfully applied in the past, that laws & procedures be precisely articulated/written w/ that experience in mind. Sometimes this means the genl public doesn't understand. But then not all law is written to address only the experiences of the genl public -