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Items tagged with: secbsd

In our vision, hacking is not an act of chaos, but an act of creation. It's about using our skills to expose truth, to stand up against oppression, and to disrupt the norms that perpetuate inequality. Hacking, in this context, becomes a voice — a voice that can be heard by millions of people.

As hackers, we understand that the rules governing our digital world are not immutable. They are human-made, and as such, they can be challenged, redefined, and rebuilt.

Our impact reaches beyond digital frontiers; we're hackers breaking through into the societal realm.

Each hack is a step towards dismantling oppressive structures, fostering a more equitable world.

Our mission is to reboot the system.

#Hackers #Security #Privacy #Infosec #Cybersecurity #Cyberpunk #BSD #OpenSource #Hacking #SecBSD #Hacktivism