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Items tagged with: AltTextMeta


he no images at all choice looms really large.

People can do without my images.

Nobody profits if there are no pictures.

But nobody is discriminated against either.

And I'm neither lectured for not doing something that I've previously taken to greater extremes than anyone else in the Fediverse, nor am I attacked for being ableist, nor am I being muted or blocked for not providing accessibility.

Spending two days on a 60,000-character image description neatly hidden behind a Mastodon-style content warning is less likely to get me lectured, attacked, muted or blocked than not providing any image description.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta

@volkris In the case of the pictures I post, I guess everyone would profit from a description except for a few dozen people in the Fediverse who actually have at least a rough idea what I've posted there.

I guess the actual issue is image description/alt-text standards that assume that all pictures fall into maybe half a dozen categories, and my images being edge-cases that lead to absolutely enormous descriptions if the standards are applied too them.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta

Content warning: Passing on opportunities to take pictures because I couldn't sufficiently describe them; CW: long (almost 600 characters), image description meta