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Items tagged with: CriminalTrump

Great video kids interviewing MVP #KamalaHarris

The last kid kills me.

Harris: “I don’t like mean people.”

Kid doesn’t miss a beat: “I don’t like Donald Trump.”

Harris: “Yeah, me neither.”

Kid’s face is priceless. I don’t think he expected her to be so honest.

h/t @Sromano
#law #ProsecutorHarris #CriminalTrump #ProsecutorVFelon #democracy #Biden #POTUS #PresidentHarris #TheFirstButNotTheLast #HarrisForPresident #VoteBlue #Election2024 #Harris2024

#Trump’s team, eager to get the 2 candidates on a #debate stage, had agreed to many conditions pushed by #Biden’s team. The first debate, in June, was disastrous for Biden & led to his withdrawal. But MVP #KamalaHarris, who is likely to become the #Democrats’ nominee, could be a more formidable opponent.

#ProsecutorHarris #CriminalTrump #law #democracy #POTUS #TheFirstButNotTheLast #HarrisForPresident #VoteBlue #Election2024 #Harris2024