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Items tagged with: Fakenews

And in Germany still people are worried that heat pumps might not work here because it's "too cold in the winter" (when actually it rarely goes below -12°C here and in the much colder Scandinavian countries heat pumps are perfectly normal for years now).
#Fakenews have even led some to rush and buy new gas heating because they were made to believe the Green party would plan on banning them.
#FossilFuels lobbying is on a wild rampage here since the Greens are part of the government.

“Are they screaming about our use of fake news? Let’s turn their lives into a crazy nightmare in which they can’t distinguish wild fiction from the realities of the day, infernal evil from the routine of life.”

— Dmitry Medvedev, former president, Russia.

Oh my dear Dmitry, you’re too late… Silicon Valley is already doing that.

We call it AI.

#russia #fakeNews #AI #SiliconValley #BigTech