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Items tagged with: GTTO

For those of you who need reminding, many of the things wrong with this country (irrespective of your political leanings) are the fault of the party that's been in charge for two thirds of the past 100 years, and all of the past 14. This website might help you to change that:



It wasn't #immigrants who ran the #NHS into the ground. Nor was it immigrants who privatised the now failing water authorities, having stripped the assets for their fat cat CEOs. It's not immigrants who are demanding a 40% increase in your bills to fund this theft of public assets. It's not immigrants who are raising your food prices and rents. If Brexit was about taking #Britiain back then why are we worse off? Immigrants?

#socialism #gtto #toriesOut #immigration #socialist #uk #endPoverty

In a warning today the election watchdog the Electoral Commission said voters have until midnight on Tuesday April 16 to register. While 44million are registered to vote in May's local elections as many as seven MILLION are incorrectly registered - or missing entirely from the register, check your entry on the register and amend.
#GTTO #ToryFascistDictatorship
#ToryCorruption #ToryLiars
