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Items tagged with: HurricaneHelene

Have watched rain pour off a nearby roof in waves and a feral cat slipped and had to make a leap to safety.

The cat slipped and was sideways then leaped and course-corrected in mid-air.


For those who don't understand how Americans relate a waffle restaurant to weather events:

Waffle House restaurants are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They do NOT close for ANY reason except impending catastrophe.

So when Waffle House reports that all locations in a city have been closed due to weather, that area is most likely fucked after the storm is over.

#HurricaneHelene #Hurricane #Helene #WaffleHouse

Yikes, 140 mph…

“The strongest winds from Category 4 Helene are starting to move ashore with the eyewall just miles from the FL coast, prompting a rare “extreme wind warning” to be issued by the NWS. People in this area should treat it like a tornado and take shelter in a safe interior room.”


Amazing and terrifying: Lightning erupting in & around the fierce eyewall of Hurricane Helene, captured just now by the GOES-16 satellite. #HurricaneHelene #weather #space #nature

Waffle House has closed its Tallahassee locations and #Florida officials are telling people who refuse to evacuate some areas to write identifying info in their bodies.

This might be bad!

As Hurricane Helene has just now upgraded to a Category 4 storm, it might be a good time to remind you that Project 2025 intends to close the National #Hurricane Center. #hurricanehelene

I do not want to hear one GOP member bitching and moaning about social programs during the November elections when Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, etc (at a MINIMUM) are ALL gonna get #HurricaneHelene FEMA help in the coming days.

Not one damned word! Not One! You HEAR ME, DeSantis, Kemp, Huckabee-Sanders, Ivey, Lee, etc? 🤬

cc: @GottaLaff @lisamelton

#Hurricane #Helene

The hurricane was just upgraded to a Category 4 😱😱 #HurricaneHelene