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Items tagged with: Juststopoil

"...the future will not be like the past. In a decade or so, societies will be falling apart, as we pass 2Β°C of heating and experience extreme weather events which will push hundreds of millions of people into destitution and migration. It is going to be an almighty shitshow, and it will not stop....There’s going to be a rupture, and then a rapid descent into poverty and starvation. Along the way the ruling class will have the police knock on your door and have you put away for half a decade... A programme for decency, compassion and survival. A massive reduction in inequality, to fund a massive reduction in emissions and Earth systems repair. Anything less and we will face nothing but fascism and mass death."
#JustStopOil #ClimateCrisis #UKpolitics #inequality

I'm not sure petitions can make that much difference, but that's no reason not to sign this one identifying the jailing of Just Stop Oil activists for long prison terms (especially as related to those being currently handed out to the far right, violent attackers), as unjust.

If you think 'two-tier' justice is happening but not the way Nigel Farage (and his rightist chums) think then this is as good a way to express it as any!

#Juststopoil #prison #farageriots

What world do we live in?
26 activists are in English prisons for peaceful non-violent protest - class justice/big oil
