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Items tagged with: UKpolitics

Re: the proposed beer garden smoking ban:

There is the famous _Yes, Minister_ argument about smokers being a net postitive for the NHS given that they are likely to die younger of smoking related diseases instead of requiring expensive care for more complex diseases later in life.

A study in Finland found that each smoker contributed a net positive of 133,000 euros to their health system by dying younger (on average). Source:

#ukpolitics #smokingban

Next time you talk to that Brexit voting relative you have… remind them of this, this is a true story, ( from Cummings substack) Johnson didn’t even understand the repercussions of leaving.

Why the fuck can’t we just ignore these idiots and have another ref

#brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #nhs #costofliving #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #farage #nigelfarage #RejoinEU #toryleadership #ToryCorruption #KemiBadenoch #standuptoracism

Content warning: UK Politics

What ‘family’ silver was not flogged off in the past is now going - all over the UK

Across the country, councils facing financial squeezes are selling off public assets to make a quick buck.

#UkPolitics #Austerity #Assets

Note 'working people', not the wealthy who have got wealthier under neoliberalism but us who have to continue bearing the brunt of their greed. Never vote for the duopoly again.

#ukpolitics #Labour

Starmer is talking bollocks.
There is no need for a round of further Tory austerity. There are many ways of raising the necessary billions, if only he and Reeves could ditch their craven adherence to neoliberal ideology and 'fiscal rectitude'.

They could start by taxing capital gains at the same rate as income tax and restricting pension tax relief to the basic rate. This would more than cover their fictional £22bn black hole.

#LabourAusterity #UKPolitics

This is on BBC2 now.

#Badgers #BadgerCull #BovineTB #Farming #DairyFarming #UKPolitics

Shocking badger cull film on BBC will prompt anger like Post Office scandal drama, claims Queen star Brian May | The Independent

Selling your data - and ill prepared to protect it

Prior UK goverment planned £485M four-year budget for Palantir-based healthcare system

It is remarkable what is not told to the British public about how their ‘government’ is prepared to sell them off. I wonder how many lucrative jobs await past (and future) ministers.

#Privacy #Health #UkPolitics #NHS #CronyCapitalism

"...the future will not be like the past. In a decade or so, societies will be falling apart, as we pass 2°C of heating and experience extreme weather events which will push hundreds of millions of people into destitution and migration. It is going to be an almighty shitshow, and it will not stop....There’s going to be a rupture, and then a rapid descent into poverty and starvation. Along the way the ruling class will have the police knock on your door and have you put away for half a decade... A programme for decency, compassion and survival. A massive reduction in inequality, to fund a massive reduction in emissions and Earth systems repair. Anything less and we will face nothing but fascism and mass death."
#JustStopOil #ClimateCrisis #UKpolitics #inequality

A brave family, who speak for us all.

"The Henderson family is consequently 'deeply concerned that history will show that Britain, the country they love, was complicit with Israeli genocide, illegality, [and] failures to meet international obligations'."

#UKPolitics #LabourFriendsOfGenocide #StopArmingIsrael

Finally! Now will journalists follow suit?
“Labour MPs begin quitting X over ‘hate and disinformation’.”
#UKpolitics #socialmedia #journalism #twitter

Content warning: Politics riots and David Olusoga

Listen to the Sky reporter desperately trying to stop this guy blaming Farage for inciting riots.

"[Farage] is a former stockbroker, a millionaire, went to one of the poshest private schools in the country and he's trying to tell working class people that migrants are their enemy. The thousands of people marching around Britain are saying actually, people like Farage are our enemy."

#FuckTheFash #EatTheRich #UKPolitics #SolidarityIsBeautiful

I hope that this evening, it becomes a case of "There's More Of Us Than There Are Of Them" and terror is avoided

#FuckTheFash #UKPOL #Ukpolitics #Fascists #FarRight #Birmingham

"I'm sick of people making the small minorities in the country the scapegoat for all the problems. Your problems are from classism, your problems are from top down people making us feel small because we're working class. Well I'm proud to be working class, and to be anti-racist working class too."

Big up this lady ✊ 👏

Edit: Sorry to anyone who replies, I've got to mute this thread now because my notifications 😱

#UKPolitics #FuckTheFash #AltReich #EatTheRich

Here in the U.K. we don't condone criminal damage of any kind.

But IF we did, it would be this.

KGB News. The Rioters Channel.


Oh, did the rioters tell you that did they?
Or are you just making assumptions and trying to write the Narrative (minus the thousands of 'lefty' protestors who scared away the Fash last night)

#Starmer #FarRight #Fascists #AntiFascists #FuckTheFash #FarageRiots #UKPOL #Ukpolitics

Anti-racists turn out in force in Bristol, Walthamstow, Brighton and across the UK. Against racism, against fascism, these are our streets.

#ukpolitics #ukpol #racism #antiracism

Over a 1000 boosts 👇, sharing the joy that we mobilised across the country n showed who we really are 💕

Tonight in Brighton. This represents Britain #AntiRacist #AntiFascist #NoToIslamophobia #ukpolitics

Remember, punching coppers isn't as bad as holding up traffic so Environmentalists know what to do next time

#UKPOL #UKpolitics #FuckTheFash #Fascists #FarRight #Police #JustStopOil

"What, the International Far Right trying to cause a Race War in the UK? But why would they be so mean? How long have these 'forums' existed, it's the first I've heard of it....." /s

#FarRight #FuckTheFash #Fascism #UKPOL #Ukpolitics

“You’ve been taken in by your own platform, which amplifies noise at the expense of facts.”

#UKpolitics #ElonMusk #Twitter #X #Xitter


Proud of this woman. She has been protesting against racist thugs all her life & is still out there. Like her I protested against National Front in the 1970's. As long as they are around like her I will continue to protest against them.

" Pat, 70, said she began protesting 50 years ago, against the National Front.

Speaking outside the Abdullah Quilliam Mosque, she said: “Someone said to me ‘you’re too old, don’t be doing this’ but as long as they’re here someone’s got to do it.”

Because nothing says "we stand in sympathy with the community in Southport" like setting your local police station on fire.

#Sunderland #FuckTheFash #UKPolitics