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Items tagged with: RemoteWork

"Google went from you have to be in Mountain View at least three days a week to do this job to you can do it from India and Mexico in less than a year."

#labor #WorkersRights #RemoteWork #WorkFromHome #layoffs

She goes out to work, he stays at home (and logs on)

The upshot is that, in aggregate, it is easier for men to work from wherever they please. A survey carried out by McKinsey, a consultancy, found that 38% of working men had the option to work remotely full-time, compared with 30% of women. Roughly half of women report being unable to work remotely at all, compared with 39% of men.

This may sound like yet another way in which women have ended up with the short end of the stick. But that view is myopic. Couples compromise in all kinds of ways for their lives to work together. If she is offered a big promotion, conditional on moving to Chicago, she may have to turn it down if his job is tied to New York. The geographical liberation of either partner makes it possible for the other to ascend the corporate ladder. The Costa Mesa couple picked that area because it was convenient for her job—and for access to their children’s grandparents, who now regularly entertain the little ones.

#work #remotework #wfh

Zulip is absolutely underrated as a chat platform for teams. Its automatic threading makes it so much easier to catch up on previous conversations than with Slack, Teams or Discord. In my opinion, Zulip is ideal for distributed teams who prefer to work and communicate asynchronously -- like my team, for example.

And it's 100% #OpenSource!

Check it out at!

#Teamwork #Chat #Collaboration #AsynchronousCommunication #RemoteWork #RemoteCulture