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Items tagged with: SailfishOS

I really hope #Volla can pull it off. They're surely in a better position for it than most. It'd be even better if they could ship their stuff to US or JP.

These days I've all but given up on dedicated #linux tablets/phones. Even though we have loads of em that are capable of running #postmarketOS, most of em still fall short of usable most of the time. The only folks who seem to have nailed the linux handheld experience is the #SailfishOS team. But of course there's a problem with that'n as well; if you're outside the EU, you'll have to suffer the trimmed-down DIY version of it.

These days I've found it much more practical to run something in a #chroot environment within #termux. I runs quite well on nearly any #android capable device via #proot, or even better in a proper chroot on a rooted one.

Mostly I use the web version. I will gladly have an #SailfishOS app, but I can't somehow find it. Is there any tuta app for this particular OS? 🤔🙄

Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (3/2023): Pinhole photography

#linuxmobile #sailfishos #pinephone #librem5 #capyloon
