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Items tagged with: SouthEastAsia

In Vietnam, farmers reduce methane emissions by changing how they grow rice

> Using less water and using a drone to fertilize are new techniques that Van is trying and #Vietnam hopes will help solve a paradox at the heart of growing #rice: The finicky crop isn’t just vulnerable to climate change but also contributes uniquely to it. #farming #climatechange #Methane #globalwarming #SouthEastAsia #TootSEA

The most accepted theory about migrations in Southern and Eastern #AsiaPacific is #Austronesian.

From #Taiwan, to the #Philippines, and then the rest of #SouthEastAsia, #Micronesia, #Melanesia, #Polynesia, and as far as #Madagascar.

If I'm going to interpret this, the natives of Taiwan survived as the primary people in what we know today as the Philippine archipelago. From the Philippines, they spread everywhere.

In other words, they're all #Filipino! ᜑᜑᜑᜑ 😹 (Or, native Taiwanese to be exact.)


Image source:

Licensed under #CCBySA 4.0 by Pavljenko.

@pilipinas @philippines

#TootSEA #T2pub #Asia #Oceania #Pilipinas #Pilipino