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Items tagged with: TechBros

@Aral Balkan

Do you remember #Diaspora?

Have you ever tried it?

It does a lot of sane and interesting things, It was glissed because it was made by a bunch of #flossbros (too much leftist), then everybody called the experts and they came out with ActivityPub, which is a a W3C project, that means also the #TechBros are indirectly involved.

Maybe it is time to come back and rediscover it... 🤔


before you go hustling for new work on these internets and fediverses, if you were laid off, HEAD TO THE CLOSEST #LABOR DEPARTMENT OFFICE AND DEMAND YOUR #UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS

you pay for #unemployment #benefits with each paycheck. DEMAND THAT MONEY.

here's a thread about what to do & what happens when you don't demand all your accumulated money & benefits.

tell #techbros laying off people, fuck you pay me.

Damn, I was suddenly reminded that the Tech-Bro Hypes about how a new technology would revolutionize daily life and society didn't start with the dotcom bubble in the late 90s.
It goes back at leas to the early 80s.

Robot servants at home were the future, man!

And this whole current AI fad looks indistinguishable to me.

#tech #techhype #techbros #robots