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Items tagged with: hawaii

Putting your #doomsday bunker on #Hawaii never made sense to me.

I’m just sayin’ 🤷🏻‍♂️

Most tourists visiting #Hawaii never get to #Molokai, sparsely populated and short on swanky resorts. They don't know what they're missing.

This is not funny at all!

This is a major crisis for pet owners in #Florida, regardless of political affiliation!

Besides, it isn't just a pest in #FL:

"The animals are also established in #Hawaii, #PuertoRico, the U.S. #VirginIslands, #Guam and #NorthernMarianaIslands, #AmericanSamoa and the Republic of #Palau,.."

“One bufo toad female can lay over 30,000 eggs at a time,” she told the news station. “

This statement will help Dems.