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Items tagged with: openbsd

@nicky Shout-out to @solene for the `obsdfreqd` which is much better at controlling/optimizing CPU frequency than #OpenBSD's built-in apmd(8).

Moreover, we still have a perfectly functional iPad mini 2 that only doesn't get used because it can't run a new-enough version of iOS.

Apple products work better and last longer than they ever have. The problem is the reduction in repairability (batteries & storage, I'm looking at you) and the lack of support for custom OSes.

Other than my iPad, I only use pre-T2 chip Intel Macs so I can easily run #OpenBSD on them. They're more than performant enough for me, but not very energy efficient.

Yup, still using #MLVWM on #OpenBSD. My current workstation -- aside from my iPad -- is a 2015 13in MacBook Air (dual-core i7) and it also is good at not gulping electricity (though not quite the dainty sips of the iPad.)

I usually use #Chromium for work, but I've noticed that it's been a pain to load pages since Chromium 124. I found out that it's #Google's "TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber support" causing the issue since it's enabled by default. I had to go into chrome://flags and disable it, and now everything's working as expected.

I had to test with #Firefox initially to make sure it wasn't my #OpenBSD machine with the issue since the infrastructure change. Good ol' Firefox let me know that wasn't the case; It was Chromium all along.