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Items tagged with: Firefox

Peut être utile par les temps qui courent…

#ia #firefox #extension

Die neue Version von Mozillas Browser schaltet zwei interessante Funktionen für alle Nutzer frei, erzwingt das Certificate-Transparency-Verfahren, schützt die Chronik vor Missbrauch und offeriert…

Die neue Version von Mozillas Browser schaltet zwei interessante Funktionen für alle Nutzer frei, erzwingt das Certificate-Transparency-Verfahren, schützt die Chronik vor Missbrauch und offeriert eine behutsam überarbeitete „Neue Tab“-Seite.#Browser #Firefox #Mozilla

it's a problem if I use #firefox 🤮, with #brave it works fine

Mozilla has been talking a lot about AI, which I personally don't care much for. Luckily, that doesn't appear to be coming at the cost of Firefox development, because there are a couple of features coming up that I'm pretty excited about! The following are all available in Nightly already.

#Mozilla #Firefox #Profiles #TabGroups #VerticalTabs

Thanks to #ironfox on android. I'm back on #Firefox based browser.
Ironfox is based on #mull by #DivestOS which is now dead.
All the best to ironfox-oss team.
here is the gitlab link

#Fedivinkki uusille ja ehkä vanhoillekin Mastodonin käyttäjille:

Muilla palvelimilla sijaitsevien viestien vastauksista osa jää usein puuttumaan. Tämä Firefoxin laajennus pyrkii hakemaan puuttuvat viestit automaattisesti:…

Toimii myös Firefoxin Android-versiossa (jopa niin hyvin, että käytän matkapuhelimessakin mieluummin Firefoxia kuin mitään erillistä Mastodon-sovellusta).

#Substitoot #Firefox

interesting 👀

It seems that WebGPU in Chrome is not enabled on Linux by default, but it can be enabled in Firefox with the dom.webgpu.enabled flag ✅

#Firefox #WebGPU

With #Firefox, to allow copy/paste on website where it's not allowed :

1 - In URL write : about:config
2 - Search :
3 - Swap the value/flag to false


Should be possible with Chrome/Chromium, but I don't use it.

@vermaden has written an insightful article on firefox. I won't go into detail. Go read learn and deploy whats good for you immediately.

BACKUP your original config in `~/.mozilla` !!!…

#freeBSD #firefox #openBSD #POSIX #Linux #win64 #MacOS

It's actually pretty easy in #Firefox. Don't know why anyone besides devs debugging things would use that, though.