Items tagged with: Firefox
Peut être utile par les temps qui courent…
Alerte sur les sites GenAI – Adoptez cette extension pour 🦊 Firefox (fr)
Télécharger Alerte sur les sites GenAI pour Firefox. Affiche une alerte sur des sites générés tout ou partie par des IA. Liste gérée par
Die neue Version von Mozillas Browser schaltet zwei interessante Funktionen für alle Nutzer frei, erzwingt das Certificate-Transparency-Verfahren, schützt die Chronik vor Missbrauch und offeriert…
Die neue Version von Mozillas Browser schaltet zwei interessante Funktionen für alle Nutzer frei, erzwingt das Certificate-Transparency-Verfahren, schützt die Chronik vor Missbrauch und offeriert eine behutsam überarbeitete „Neue Tab“-Seite.#Browser #Firefox #Mozilla
Do you remember the #Firefox game with the dinosaur? I never thought that I would see a #tattoo like that!
#the100pics #100DaysToOffload : 21/100
Mozilla has been talking a lot about AI, which I personally don't care much for. Luckily, that doesn't appear to be coming at the cost of Firefox development, because there are a couple of features coming up that I'm pretty excited about! The following are all available in Nightly already.
#FOSDEM 2025 - Mozilla Mythbusters: Separating Fact from Fiction…
If you've bitched about #mozilla or #firefox in 2024 or 2023, come and listen to that talk at #fosdem2025
Ironfox is based on #mull by #DivestOS which is now dead.
All the best to ironfox-oss team.
here is the gitlab link
IronFox OSS / IronFox · GitLab
Privacy and security-oriented Firefox-based web browser for Android.
#Fedivinkki uusille ja ehkä vanhoillekin Mastodonin käyttäjille:
Muilla palvelimilla sijaitsevien viestien vastauksista osa jää usein puuttumaan. Tämä Firefoxin laajennus pyrkii hakemaan puuttuvat viestit automaattisesti:…
Toimii myös Firefoxin Android-versiossa (jopa niin hyvin, että käytän matkapuhelimessakin mieluummin Firefoxia kuin mitään erillistä Mastodon-sovellusta).
Substitoot – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
Download Substitoot for Firefox. A transparent toot fetcher for Mastodon. Loads missing replies to boosted toots in your feed directly from the source server. Make sure you set your home instance(s) in preferences to start using this!
With #Firefox, to allow copy/paste on website where it's not allowed :
1 - In URL write : about:config
2 - Search :
3 - Swap the value/flag to false
Should be possible with Chrome/Chromium, but I don't use it.
@vermaden has written an insightful article on firefox. I won't go into detail. Go read learn and deploy whats good for you immediately.
BACKUP your original config in `~/.mozilla` !!!…
#freeBSD #firefox #openBSD #POSIX #Linux #win64 #MacOS
Sensible Firefox Setup
I really wanted to do that Firefox guide earlier but always other things came up as usual. But that also has some upsides. Yes – I used the Firefox logo from 2009 (some reported it is from 20…𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗