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Items tagged with: firefox

Welp, not surprised.

Vivaldi experiencing, as they put it, "a performance drag" from considering a proper implementation is the probable result of trying to pluck so much stuff in the browser, so they choose a status quo of OBEDIENTLY following Google's version of the Manifest V3 spec. How come they don't take a page from Firefox that keeps both Manifest V2 and V3 that doesn't impede extensions' capabilities as much as Chromium?

#Vivaldi #VivaldiBrowser #ManifestV3 #ManifestV2 #MV3 #MV2 #Mozilla #Firefox #Google #Chromium #GoogleChrome #WebExtensions

#Mozilla has reinstated certain add-ons for #Firefox that earlier this week had been banned in russia by the kremlin.

The browser extensions, which are hosted on the Mozilla store, were made unavailable in the Land of putin on or around June 8 after a request by the russian government and its internet #censorship agency, roskomnadzor.

I wonder, does there exist some Firefox plugin that automatically redirects Mastodon/fedi urls to your own instance's?

So that "take me home" functionality, but as an auto browser plugin, basically.

#Mastodon #Firefox

Not sure whether it was Streamyard or Firefox or my OS to blame but it seems the transitions came out horribly choppy in the screen sharing recording of my talk from Groningen on Tuesday so here we areโ€ฆ

*le sigh*

(Iโ€™ll try to have the transitions I recorded locally edited in and the video up sometime today.)

#SmallWeb #streamyard #firefox #screenRecording #talk #groningen #editing #nle #kdenlive #linux #gnome

Censor Tracker add-on for #Firefox not available in #Russia


#Mozilla #fail #censorship #politics #problem #news #addon #software

"Hereโ€™s what weโ€™re working on in #Firefox

Weโ€™ve been listening to your feedback, and weโ€™re prioritizing the features you want most.

Productivity boosters like
Tab Grouping, Vertical Tabs, and our handy Sidebar will help you stay organized no matter how many tabs you have open โ€” whether itโ€™s 7 or 7,500.
Plus, our new Profile Management system will help keep your school, work, and personal browsing separate but easily accessible. "

Guess what, Firefox does the same thing (a refresh will reset your privacy settings and your default browser, all of which affect Mozillaโ€™s revenue streams) but theyโ€™re a tad sneakier/cleverer(?) about it.

(Firefox is not private by default so getting you to reset your settings is how they try to influence you to return to their preferred configuration.)

#firefox #mozilla #deceptiveDesign

It's actually pretty easy in #Firefox. Don't know why anyone besides devs debugging things would use that, though.
