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NYTimes reporting about an #Israel influence operation, using fake X accounts with #ChatGPT-powered talking points, to influence US legislators, public opinion:

[sorry, it's paywalled]

@seanlawson and I are publishing articles about this exact sort of masspersonal #socialEngineering right now. It's only going to get worse.


in reply to Robert W. Gehl

We have a short summary of our argument about #ChatGPT/generative AI and its potential uses in political propaganda here:

Basically, we argue things won't be structurally or procedurally different than past #SocialEngineering -- but they will be much more intense.


This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Robert W. Gehl

I think the best mitigation for us on the #fediverse is to remain small -- that is, have many, many small instances where people are more likely to know one another, with application-style registration rather than open registration.

This is a good argument against federating with large, open, for-profit platforms (I'm looking at you, #Threads).


This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)