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Movies like The Purge (there are 5 of them from 2013 to 2021 and a TV show from 2018 to 2019), Civil War (Garland, 2024) and the TV Show The Boys (2019-present) depict the United States almost like they were real. The reality is much scarier than horror films.

#USPolitics #USA #USA2024 #America #Politics #Movies #Films #HorrorFilms #Horror

This entry was edited (5 days ago)

Roni Laukkarinen reshared this.

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

the tv show The Boys is a perfect representation of America right now.
in reply to Tengohipo

@Tengohipo True, that's the one missing from this list. I'll edit it in.
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

Respectfully disagree on CIVIL WAR (never saw THE PURGE). CIVIL WAR is detached from reality. Filmmakers didn’t even have the guts to explain wtf was going on. California and . . . TEXAS?! . . . aligning together? Why? How? Due to what? Why is nation at war? What/who started it? Who knows: never explained.

In the real world we know exactly what is going on: traitorous, lawless, kleptocratic, misogynist, racist, pro-Russia right-wing that wants Xian equiv of Sharia law in US.

This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to Brian Dear

@brianstorms Somehow missed your post. Probably due to my filters. Well, it's a movie. An artist (director in this case) can have his freedoms. Garland did a great job depicting something that could be America. No thorough explanations needed, the setting and its atmosphere did it for me.