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"A long-time national champion of abortion rights is on her way to the top of the Democratic ticket. And Vice President Kamala Harris will kick Donald Trump’s ass on the issue."

~ Joan McCarter

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #abortion

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"She was San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general, making the 'prosecutor vs. felon' narrative simply too delicious. (She was also known for vigorously prosecuting sex crimes; she will be running against an adjudicated rapist.) And Harris has been the party’s single best surrogate on the issue of abortion rights and reproductive justice, which is the Democrats’ winning issue."

~ Joan Walsh

#KamalaHarris #Trump #abortion #SexCrimes #rapist

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"They’re especially afraid of Harris’ top issue, abortion rights, because it’s one of America’s top issues, too, and she’s on the same side as about two-thirds of voters. Rather than joust with Harris on the right of women to control their own bodies, the Trump campaign is focusing on another issue, declaring that Harris 'wants to get rid of plastic straws.'”

~ Mark Jacob

#KamalaHarris #Trump #abortion #women #ReproductiveRights

This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Obviously, Harris frightens Team Trump. At age 59, she will make the 78-year-old Trump look like the very senior citizen that he is. She also has a sharp mind and a prosecutor’s ability to close in for the kill.

As Harris begins her run for president, she seems to have broken Republicans’ brains but left their sexism and racism intact."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #abortion #women #ReproductiveRights #racism #sexism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Nothing triggers Donald Trump (and MAGA) more than strong Black women. Period. Black women are at the intersection of the racism and sexism that so fuels Trump and his MAGA movement. ...

Harris is the manifestation of all that scares Trump: She is a powerful, successful, smart Black woman."

~ Dean Obeidallah

#KamalaHarris #Trump #abortion #women #ReproductiveRights #racism #sexism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The Trump campaign spent two years creating a political bomb concerning old age. They assumed that they could plant this bomb at the feet of Joe Biden.

Trump is now the one holding the age bomb. He is not only a full generation older than Harris—everything about him looks geriatric by comparison."

~ Jonathan V. Last

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #age

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"In the coming weeks we will find out if the people who said, 'I hate Trump, but Biden is too old' really meant it.

Will they find some new excuse for why they have to vote for Trump? Will they become unconcerned about the risks of old age and cognitive decline in a president?"

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #age

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Trump’s entire political career has been built on divisiveness over race and sex, starting with the lie that Obama might have been born outside the US and gendered attacks on Hillary Clinton in 2016. As Biden, Prospero-like, drowns his book, the election of Harris, a Black woman, would provide this era’s last word in poetic justice."

~ David Smith

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #racism #sexism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Harris’s own qualifications pale in comparison to the case against Trump. That case is simple and easy to make. Donald Trump is a fascist. He is a felon. He will be the oldest president in American history. All the Democrats need is someone who can repeat these facts again and again. Joe Biden sadly wasn’t that person. Kamala Harris is."

~ Alex Shephard

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #age #fascism #ConvictedFelon

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"A lot of us aren’t happy with the way things played out for Joe Biden. But MAGA and the media have wasted no time. They’re already coming after Kamala with racist and sexist attacks. That's why, in this very difficult moment, we must unite.

We have to be ready to push back harder, stronger, and faster than ever. We must intensely pressure the media into covering Trump’s lunacy and lies at a constant.

If we unite, we win."

~ Scott Dworkin

#KamalaHarris #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The reality is, look at how the Democratic Party came behind Harris yesterday. I was actually stunned. I was impressed at how quickly everyone followed Joe Biden’s lead, including Adam Schiff and many others."

~ Mehdi Hassan

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Instead of chaos, we have seen something quite rare among Democrats: consensus and discipline. The combination of excitement, the outpouring of love for Joe Biden and acclaim for Kamala Harris, the opening of voter wallets and donor dollars, the grassroots organizing that already has sprung into place—"

~ Jay Kuo

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"It is heady and exhilarating, a far cry from the despair, deadlock and resignation Democrats largely exhibited over the past three and a half weeks.

Democrats are looking to our future, thinking that we really could win this. As my piece on Friday after Trump’s speech underscored, Trump is very, very beatable. That was true with Biden, and it is absolutely true with Harris.

That funny feeling we all share now has a name: hope."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Among Gen Z voters, there is a finally a palpable excitement for a candidate who is far more relatable, hip and with it, who doesn’t carry the same political baggage around Israel and Gaza that Joe Biden does. ...

Harris is a seasoned prosecutor, and Trump is a convicted felon.

Harris is a champion of abortion rights, while Trump brags about having ended Roe v. Wade."

#KamalaHarris #Trump

This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Harris is a hip, younger candidate, while Trump is an aging one with clear early dementia and aphasia.

Harris has sent sexual predators to prison, and Trump is an adjudicated rapist.

Harris will appeal to the winning Obama coalition, while Trump must rely on turnout from white MAGA voters.

Harris is articulate and organized in her public speaking, while Trump rambles nonsensically and interminably.

Harris is today’s news, and Trump’s is yesterday’s."

#KamalaHarris #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Pamela Hilliard Owens offers readers today a useful resource: a short biography of Kamala Harris that Owens first published in March this year.


in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Few politicians understand in such concrete terms how dangerous decisions of this U.S. Supreme Court have been in recent years. Harris will talk forthrightly about the end of Roe v. Wade and the need to protect abortion rights. Harris should be able to do the same in many other areas, including the dangers to democracy posed by Trump."

~ Chris Geidner

#KamalaHarris #SupremeCourt #RoevWade #abortion

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Biden’s announcement and Harris’s rapid consolidation of support and money appear to have blindsided the Trump-Vance campaign. MAGA Republicans have responded with scattershot arguments that suggest they had not thought through a scenario in which Biden would step down, an omission so astonishing it perhaps suggests they could not imagine a presumptive nominee voluntarily giving up power."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"A post on Trump’s social media feed tonight suggested that Trump recognizes that being the oldest candidate ever nominated for the presidency is a campaign issue. The post said that 'Lyin’ Kamala Harris…has absolutely terrible pole [sic] numbers against a fine and brilliant young man named DONALD J. TRUMP! Be careful what you wish for, Democrats???'”

#KamalaHarris #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Suddenly Trump looks plder and more deranged.

Now the Republicans are the ones saddled with a candidate who can’t make a clear argument or finish a sentence."

~ Anne Applebaum

And, Lord knows, age matters supremely — especially to Republicans, who have spent months and months yelling about that very matter.

And to the media. We can surely count on blaring headlines now about Trump's age: am I right? New York Times?

#KamalaHarris #Trump #age

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"People are excited. The storylines are writing themselves: prosecutor versus convicted felon, public servant versus selfish businessman, healthy Gen Xer versus deteriorating Boomer, prime-of-life woman of color versus old white man, a women fighting for women’s rights versus a man who wants to take those rights away.

~ Greg Olear

#KamalaHarris #Trump #age

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

And while the Democrats offer us Kamala, the Republicans offer us Trump selling sneakers at $300/pair, with his bloody face on them. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar comments:

"The company is owned by Trump, yet the site says 'Though it uses Trump’s name, it is ‘not political’ and does not contribute to the presidential candidate’s re-election campaign.' How disingenuous can you get? The money goes directly to Trump, which is supporting his candidacy."

#Trump #Republicans

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Trump is the oldest presidential candidate in our history. That script he’s been using against Biden? It all applies to him. Unlike Biden, as a candidate, he hasn’t made important medical results like bloodwork or even his weight public. We still haven’t seen a report from a doctor with a valid medical license about his injuries during the shooting.

If Trump is elected, J.D. Vance is only a heartbeat away from the presidency."

~ Joyce Vance

#KamalaHarris #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"By endorsing V.P. Harris, President Biden has helped to impose order on a process that could have been chaotic. It will not be his final gift to our nation, but it is a fitting and significant one that will echo for generations. In endorsing Kamala Harris, Joe Biden has pointed the way to the future."

~ Robert B. Hubbell

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The stark political reality facing President Joe Biden, prompting his unprecedented decision to exit the 2024 race, might look different had he enjoyed the support of a blindly loyal, propagandistic news media."

~ Oliver Darcy

#Biden #Trump #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

While Donald Trump has relied on Fox News and an army of MAGA Media loyalists to endlessly shield him from scandal after scandal, Biden had no such defenses in his arsenal when serious questions were raised about his age and mental acuity. ...

Contrast how the news media covered Biden's woes with how the MAGA Media has treated Trump in recent years."

#Biden #Trump #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The right can barely contain its racist, sexist contempt for Biden’s likely 2024 replacement. …

The attacks from the far right are as predictable as they are distasteful — reflecting a “based” far-right culture that sees unvarnished expressions of bigotry as a virtue. The attacks center on Harris’ race and gender…."

~ Tim Dickinson

#KamalaHarris #Trump #Republicans #racism #misogyny

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The contrast between the candidates is now more stark than ever. Our candidate is on the right side of racial and LGBTQ issues, the right side of the abortion question, the right side of America’s role in international affairs, the right side of everything, when you think about it."

~ Lucian K. Truscott

#KamalaHarris #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Should be easy, shouldn't it, for New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, et al., to make the pivot now to headlines about the age of the ONE CANDIDATE who is the oldest ever nominated by a major party for the presidency. Right?

The headlines are already there, with Biden's name. Just erase Biden and insert Trump, and voilà, problem solved.

The media WILL do this now, right?, since they've talked incessantly about how age matters supremely to them and to us.

#Trump #Biden #media #age

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Last week, Donald Trump used his speech at the Republican National Convention — before the largest audience television he’ll have to himself in the entire campaign — to praise Hungarian strongman Victor Orban and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, and to tout their desire for Trump to return to the White House."

~ Jamison Foser

#Trump #dictators #Orban #KimJongUn #NewYorkTimes #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Trump’s decision to use the most important speech of his campaign to praise Orban and Kim put into stark relief the choice facing voters this fall: Freedom, or fascism.

Or rather it should have.

Instead, it was all but ignored by the news media. The New York Times, for example still hasn’t mentioned Trump’s convention comments about Orban and Kim in a single news report, and it has drawn only brief passing mention in a single opinion column."

#Trump #Orban #KimJongUn #NewYorkTimes

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"While the first 48 hours of Harris’ candidacy have featured an almost cartoonish response from MAGA world, there’s a method to the madness. The effect over time is to work the refs – mainstream news outlets – and wait for them to break down and for the attacks to break through to a wider audience. One way to combat the effort is be a sophisticated news consumer who is aware of it and sees it for what it is."

~ David Kurtz

#KamalaHarris #Republicans #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Ms Harris would not only be the first woman of colour to win a presidential nomination. She would be a 59-year-old running against an often incoherent 78-year-old; a voice of warmth against a vindictive demagogue; a former prosecutor running against a convicted criminal."

~ The Guardian

#KamalaHarris #Trump

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