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2a03:2880:3ff::face:b00c - - [25/Jun/2024:11:45:09 +0000] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 202 5 "-" "facebookexternalua"

My logs are actually rammed with entries like the above. It's not a helpful UA, so what is it doing? Being a POST I'm pretty certain it's not crawling but I'm also not following all that many (if any in fact) Threads users?

#MastoAdmin #Fediverse #SelfHost

in reply to pieceofthepie :coffefied:

Any relays? I'm pretty sure if someone boosts something while connected to a relay, everyone on the relay gets the post too. I'm not positive so this could be completely wrong, just an idea.

Basically I'm suggesting you have a relay that is relaying Threads posts. That's all I could think of.🤷‍♂️

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@BeAware Potentially, given the vagaries of ActivityPub, that could be the case.

That said, all the relays I have setup report their own useragents, for example: (golang net/http; Activity-Relay 2.0.5; relay service (golang net/http; Activity-Relay 2.0.5;

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.

in reply to pieceofthepie :coffefied:

Ah...well, maybe this debunks my theory....😬 sorry I couldn't be of more help. I know VERY little about UA, unfortunately. I was just shooting in the dark, hoping it could be correct.
in reply to Jan

@jan I figured it probably was but I don't actually follow any Threads users at this point. So if they're not Threads posts/replies I'd be interested to know exactly what they're POSTing at me.
in reply to pieceofthepie :coffefied:

@jan I think, funnily enough, that this is Facebook following ActivityPub more closely than Mastodon - specifically the parts around Inbox Forwarding, which Mastodon doesn't do.

It's the reason people invent things like #FediFetcher

#MastoAdmin #Fediverse #ActivityPub