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Looks like Musk's deadbird site is up to some of its most vile political tricks, in this case sleazily discouraging people from looking at evidence relating to the Russian missile attack on a Ukraine children's hospital.

h/t @interfluidity

Do look at the report:

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Dan Gillmor

@Catawu Denying the bombing of hospitals by a genocidal regime? So they’re taking a page out of the US government’s playbook on Gaza, then? That Elon, always learning from the best.

#israel #palestine #gaza #settlerColonialism #apartheid #russia #ukraine #genocide #UnitedStates #ElonMusk

in reply to Aral Balkan

@aral The US has never denied that Israel is bombing hospitals. You’re just trolling to attack Biden because you want Trump in the WH. We’re done here.