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Items tagged with: ElonMusk

God, #elonmusk is such a terrible human being.

#lgbtq #fascism

Recently #ElonMusk smearmongered his daughter (his daughter is #trans, she disowned him and changed her last name)

So Vivian decided to break the silence on #Threads:

#Musk's original crap on #Twitter (warning, #deadnaming):

#transphobia #lgbtqia

"in a ketamine-fueled haze, he's desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him. Go touch some fucking grass"


"On X, you can say transphobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic slurs with very little consequence."

@saskia went back to Twitter / X this week as part of our mission to help the people who are still over there join better alternatives.

She put her findings into a blog but we warn you, it's not good news.

#Twitter #Mastodon #Fediverse #ElonMusk #TwitterIsDead

Elon Musk’s transgender daughter Vivian says her father was rarely present when she was growing up. When he was around, he was cruel to her and would pressure her to deepen her voice and appear more masculine.

“He is uncaring and narcissistic,” she says.

#tech #elonmusk #trans #parenting

#ElonMusk's #trans daughter has had enough: "Calling me dead on a podcast with JORDAN PETERSON of all people while basically admitting you have zero reading comprehension by saying you were 'tricked' into signing documents that you read over multiple times is basically a parody of itself... This entire thing is completely made up and there’s a reason for this. He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there..."

Why Elon Musk suddenly wants to mask his Trump support

#elonmusk #tesla


The Antifa Turtle on #Twitter shared a Twitter API okta leak that shows there is a list of "protected accounts", all of them right wing, who are allowed to break #X Terms Of Services without consequence and includes a list of whitelisted slurs they are allowed to use.

The whistle-blowing Twitter account was suspended by mods shortly after.

#elonmusk #freespeech #whistleblower #leak @UnicornRiot @freedomofpress @OffTheHook

Hey #mastodon people

Block Tea Pain if you haven't. I don't necessarily mind him stealing my jokes. I do mind him stealing my jokes to post on #twitter #x and thus helping out #ElonMusk with engagement.

He hasn't posted anything on Mastodon in a year anyway.

Elon Musk said the woke mind virus “killed” his trans daughter, while misgendering and deadnaming her in an interview with Jordan Peterson.

It’s the latest proof that Musk sees his children as part of a reproductive project, not as people he cares about. His daughter is very much alive.

#tech #elonmusk #trans #pronatalism

I didn't believe #elonmusk would donate $45m/ mo to elect #Trump and I don't believe he won't do so now. Guy's a serial liar. But he may realize that he might be backing a loser.

In any event, "I don’t prescribe to [a] cult of personality" is the funniest thing he's ever said. Where'd he be without one?

The right is actually guilty of doing what every dopey right-wing conspiracy theory claims about the left.

"Nadler urges Republicans to investigate X's restrictions on Kamala Harris' campaign account, citing censorship concerns"

#elonmusk #censorship #KamalaHarris #election2024

Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕?

Der US-Rechtsdualismus wankt und wie prognostiziert eskaliert der Antisemitismus auf X weiter. Er wird nun auch von Elon Musk direkt gegen die US-Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris befeuert. Diese sei eine "Puppe" des vermeintlichen jüdischen Superverschwörers George Soros. #Antisemitismus #Verschwörungsmythen #Musk #Harris #Soros #ElonMusk #KamalaHarris #GeorgeSorros

The "#FreeSpeech" #elonmusk strikes again on #Twitter #X.

"You can't mute either the Trump2024 or MAGA hashtags (you can put them in your muted words, but nothing will be muted), and if you click one of them, THIS shit happens."

Post on #bluesky by @WillWeaverRVA

#ElonMusk hindert #Twitter-User daran, dem Kampagnen-Account von #KamalaHarris zu folgen und schränkt entsprechende Suchanfragen ein. Zugleich sagte er die irrwitzige Summe von 45 Millionen Dollar für Trumps Kampagne zu — monatlich.

#Medien sollten aufhören, diese Manipulationsplattform zu zitieren und anständige Menschen sich dort verabschieden. #sabotage #wahlmanipulation #socialMedia

If you still have a burner Twitter account, go check out the “For You” feed

Mine is FULL of Black men explaining why no one should vote for Kamala Harris

It’s amazing. I check Twitter often for work, and it’s usually the same old same old

ALL of these fellows today are new. I’ve never seen them before

#Twitter #Ratfucking #ElonMusk #KamalaHarris

Are Elon Musk’s toxic antics alienating Tesla’s key buyers? While Tesla is arguably still the go-to electric vehicle brand worldwide, in California, the largest car market in the U.S., registration of Tesla vehicles has reportedly dropped by a massive 24 percent between April and June — the third straight quarter that sales have fallen in the state. Futurism has more.

#Tesla #ElectricVehicles #ElonMusk #California #Tech

Honestly #Democrats need to cease using #Twitter / #X & embrace alternatives (preferably those in the #Fediverse).

Musk is either allowing these issues to remain on purpose or the site can not handle folks desiring to follow Kamala.

👉🏾 #Trump-Lover #ElonMusk Is Already Causing #KamalaHarris Problems 🔛 @newrepublic 📰

#ElonMusk Says He Will #Move X & #SpaceX Headquarters to #Texas

The #SocialMedia & rocket companies are headquartered in #California, which the billionaire criticized for its recent #transgender #legislation.

#Musk said on Tues that he would move the HQs of 2 of his businesses in protest against a new #law designed to protect transgender children.


Twitter update: I logged out of my account and seeing how I feel without it fully active on my computer/phone. If I like it I'll just probably flat-out disable. Sadly MNR has to stay active but I barely even use that one aside from promos...
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for insanity from me here...
#twitter #elonmusk #coldturkey

I'm so pissed....😡😡😡😡

Read about it here at @BBCWorld

I had to go to X and respond
What the heck is this?

To all #EU citizens 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺
To the whole #world 🌎🌍🌏

At some point it's over!!!

You can't make claims without evidence, this applies to the
#europeanunion as well as for

Has the EU reacted to this?

#xitter #elonmusk #twitter #mastodon #fediverse #truth #justice #humanity #news #BetterWorld #YouWinAgainSi #help #socialmedia #evidence #europe

Is this maximum #Fediverse penetration?

@rooster genius toot slamming the #Cybertruck was posted on r\CyberStuck, which got posted onto a discussion forum I'm on.

#Tesla #Reddit #Elon #ElonMusk

Euroopan Unioni on nostanut virallisesti syyteet Elon Muskin X:ää vastaan

EU:n mukaan X / Twitter ei rajoita valeuutisten ja disinformaation leviämistä alustalla, vaikka DSA-laki niin vaatii

X on nyt ensimmäinen yhtiö, jota syytetään Digital Services Act -lain rikkomisesta.

#x #twitter #xitter #sosiaalinenmedia #euroopanunioni #dsa #digitalservicesact #oikeusjuttu #uutiset #elonmusk

@Catawu Denying the bombing of hospitals by a genocidal regime? So they’re taking a page out of the US government’s playbook on Gaza, then? That Elon, always learning from the best.

#israel #palestine #gaza #settlerColonialism #apartheid #russia #ukraine #genocide #UnitedStates #ElonMusk

@martinvermeer @beepcheck @dequbed
Okay, I'll kick off:

"#ElonMusk Makes Landfall in Texas, Leaving Millions Without Power"

Yesss, this works.

And now the richest wingnut in the world, who owns a huge propaganda outlet, is calling for the death of everyone who opposes a messaging bill that codifies fascist disinformation about voting.

I don’t know how this toothpaste ever gets put back in the tube.

#elonmusk #fascism #politicalviolence #maga

When you buy a Tesla, "you're basically driving around a giant red MAGA hat."

And when you buy a Cybertruck, you're broadcasting that you're involuntarily celebate & a dweeb that makes bad life choices.

"Drivers Are Not Buying Teslas Specifically Because of Elon Musk’s Annoying Behavior" - Futurism

#elonmusk #tesla #maga

People can now directly support one of the 3 richest people - #ElonMusk financially - because he needs it? 😋

This is possible with #X #Subscriptions - the option that lets you "Find your people..." & "Share your email with Elon Musk."

"Subscriptions are a way for people’s most engaged followers to help them earn money from X for their contributions on the platform.."

150 subscribers currently pay him 4-5$ a month 😂

#billionaire #humor #joke #socialmedia #parody #funny