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Freedom isn’t freedom if it’s only for abled people.

Then again, there’s a reason you don’t see the word “freedom” in “open source.”

And there’s a reason “share alike” is just one of the principles of Small Technology, alongside a non-colonial approach, inclusivity, and others. (

#openSource #ableism #foss #freedom #accessibility #a11y #inclusivity #SmallTech

in reply to Aral Balkan

Even if we take “Free as free speech (…)” and apply the current discourse we arrive at a not very fun interpretation.

(As a side-🎵 I experiment with accessibility software to help with my AuADHD. Mostly it doesn't work for me. Not the right workflow, simple as that. But I'm still grateful that someone put the work in.)

in reply to Aral Balkan

Content warning: Big tech, open source & ableism