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Items tagged with: foss

#Linux's New #DRM #Panic "Blue Screen of Death" In Action


enter image description here

With Linux 6.10 the initial DRM Panic code has landed as well as wiring up the DRM/KMS driver support for the SimpleDRM, MGAG200, IMX, and AST drivers.

#bluescreen #bug #software #news #floss #foss #kernel #error

Just a reminder that my Pixel 4a running @CalyxOS is still rock solid after months of use. No issues at all. No ads, no tracking, no bullshit. No need for a new phone for many years to come. Long live CalyxOS! :)

#calyxos #foss #android #pixel #privacy #opensource

Oh FFS, #GNOME #developers are so #dumb and #stupid, they can't fix their #bugs and always refuse to add #features. So much for a #FOSS / #OpenSource / #OSS project

*le sigh*

Wait, why is everybody against me? Surely I'm not the problem right?! I was just criticizing 🙄 🙄 🙄

WOW WOW WOW is my initial reaction to the Ditto community server

It is exactly what Nostr needs and what I had hoped atproto would have

It is even compatible with Mastodon API

--previosly nostr relays, storage and ids were complicated
--atproto lacks the ease for self hosters to build their communities compared to those on activitypub

#mastodon #activitypub #atproto #nostr #fediverse #opensource #selfhost #foss

So, thanks to all the replies, I’ll be redoing a bunch of my work tomorrow using OBS.

So, in short: if you want to record screencasts and you care about the quality of your work: DO NOT USE THE BUILT-IN GNOME SCREEN RECORDER. It outputs low quality videos and you cannot change the qualiy.

Use OBS instead.

*le sigh*


#gnome #screenRecorder #screenRecording #warning #OBS #FOSS #Linux #fedora #education #design #communication #presentations #video #editing #nle #videoEditing

FFS, GNOME! Just wasted a day of editing video because the built-in screen recorder records screencasts at such a low quality that I ended up with keyframe artefacts / ghosting in my captures.

Bloody hell…

And is there any way to set the quality? Is there ever!

[Edit] Use OBS. (Thanks everyone in the replies.)

(Don’t use GNOME’s built-in screen recorder if you’re posting HD+ videos.)

#gnome #video #screenRecorder #quality #linux #foss

I made a #video where I talk about my experiences with different free and open source social media. #foss #socialmedia

Some of them are part of the #fediverse and use #activitypub

Here are the ones that I talk about:

We have a new awesome service for - TROM READ -

Basically you can save any page (with images) to your account. You can highlight parts of it, add tags, add collections, even create a sharing link to share it with others. This is an amazing tool for research.

You can read more here - and ask for an account if you want one since for now there is no open registration feature, but we can make an account for anyone.

And do not forget to install the browser extension and connect to your so you can save any webpage faster.

Please consider supporting TROM financially if you can so we can provide more such services -

#foss #opensource #trade-free #bookmark #readeck

This Week in Self-Hosted (7 June 2024)

Open-source commentary from @danb, software updates, launches, new directory apps, a spotlight on Dockcheck - a CLI for simple Docker container image updates, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!

#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #opensource #homelab #foss #docker #container #updates

"Futo, Please don't attempt to create your own Open Source Definition" · Danb Blog

#opensource #FOSS

Posted a new article featuring several capable self-hosted Google Analytics alternatives this morning.

I'm deploying Umami for and a few other sites, but definitely recommend checking out the others as well.

#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #webdev #analytics #homelab #foss #opensource

#CentOS 7’s Final Countdown: 30 Days Left Until #Support Ends


Here are the possible CentOS 7 #upgrade paths:

  • CentOS 7 -> #AlmaLinux 8 -> AlmaLinux 9
  • CentOS 7 -> Rocky Linux 8 -> Rocky Linux 9

#centos7 #redhat #security #cybersecurity #linux #foss #floss #RockyLinux #distribution #news #warning #os #software

This Week in Self-Hosted (31 May 2024)

Software launches, updates, new directory apps, a spotlight on Alex Kretzschmar @ironicbadger - a content creator and frequent contributor to the self-hosted community, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!

#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #opensource #foss #homelab #contentcreator

Content warning: In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS

we're moving to #Prague! and we need some friends.
we're moving to #Czechia in August or September and we might be a bit lonely. so if you're #queer, #Jewish, #neurodivergent, in your 20's or all of the above, we'd like to know you!

I'm into #music, #FOSS, #linguistics, #DoctorWho, #TTRPG and #DropoutTV. oh, and I'm #trans.
my girlfriend likes #medicine, British television, #Disney, #Eurovision and #TrueCrime. "I am the bisexual stereotype".


#Praha #Prag #PleaseBoost

Damn Small #Linux with a new mission

Meanwhile, in 2024, nearly everyone has abandoned the sub-700MB size limit to run on computers old enough to not have a DVD and cannot boot off of a #USB drive. This is completely understandable because applications, the #kernel, and drivers have all mushroomed in their space requirements. Hats off to Puppy Linux for staying one of the few that still offer a full #desktop environment in a small size.


#dsl #distribution #32bit #opensource #foss #floss #software #news #os #computer

Content warning: In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS

A few acknowledgements here in addition to my #fedivision track (vote FOSS):

Thanks to
- Aaron from @convolution for providing awesome vocals and lyrics
- My #FOSS heroes who made this possible by providing excellent, professional-grade #musicproduction software: @ardour , surge-team, @falktx ,LSP #plugins, #zamaudio, #airwindows, @x42 , #guitarix , @sjaehn and many more

CinePI is an open hardware/software project aiming to create a cheap cinema camera that uses a Raspberry Pi at its core.

Here's a stunning demonstration of what images can be captured with CinePi.

They are also looking for software developers :)
#CinePi #Camera #Video #OpenHardware #OpenSource #Filmmaking #Cinematography #FOSS

Energy Conservation with Open Source Ad Blockers

🚀 We are excited to announce the launch of a new podcast series showcasing the transformative power of "𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 S𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞" and the people and stories behind it. As host of the @sustainoss Podcast, @richlitt is the ideal voice to bridge the gap between what sustains the open source ecosystem and how open source can sustain the natural shared ecosystem on which we all depend.
#opensource #climatechange #climate #sustainability #FOSS #freesoftware

Access for All: Two friends helping change opportunities for blind people with an open-source screen reader for all. Now on Microsoft Unlocked:

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #ScreenReader #A11y #Microsoft #FOSS #OpenSource #Free #News

A well running de-googled Android system based on and running #FOSS apps? Some are skeptical about Android fundamentally, others point to the existing mass of compatible devices that could participate. Of course Chromium alone makes "de-googling" a tricky effort, as its dependencies on Google run deep. Nevertheless, we are part of the #mobifree effort officially launched today and discussed here from project partners like @microg @NGIZero @daniel