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“Media giant Cox Media Group (CMG) says it can target adverts based on what potential customers said out loud near device microphones, and explicitly points to Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Bing as CMG partners, according to a CMG presentation obtained by 404 Media.”

#CMG #ActiveListening #surveillance #capitalism #adtech #SiliconValley #PeopleFarming #Facebook #Amazon #Google #Bing

Lisa Melton reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

I am not a 404 suscriber, so I am not able to read this new article. But the other time they reported on it, it looked more like false marketing by CMG

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

I did discover something googlish trying to access internet without me knowing I was wondering about who wanted to listen in
(I get alerted though). I did nor install or use that function:
in reply to Aral Balkan

It's not clear whether this is happening or just a proposal.

No paywall here:

in reply to Cluster Fcku

@clusterfcku Surely the intent alone is enough to show what this business model is about and how it’s incompatible with human rights and democracy.
in reply to Aral Balkan

agree, terrible intents with material backing should be published early. It is also shows what is possible. If not commercially viable, surveillance will pick it up.
in reply to Aral Balkan

"Google told 404 Media in a statement that “All advertisers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations as well as our Google Ads policies, and when we identify ads or advertisers that violate these policies, we will take appropriate action.” The company said it had removed CMG from the Partners Program after a Google review.
Amazon told 404 Media in a statement that “Amazon Ads has never worked with CMG on this program and has no plans to do so.”"