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Items tagged with: Facebook

@smoltron @jagster "menee kyllä usko ihmiskuntaan" Olen jo pitkään ollut sitä mieltä, että ihminen sosiaalisena olentona ei ollut valmis ottamaan vastaan internetin tarjoamia haasteita. Olihan sitä "tyhmyyttä" ennen nettiäkin, mutta silloin "tyhmillä" ei ollut lähellekään yhtä paljon valtaa ja vaikutusmahdollisuuksia kuin nyt.

#some #facebook #Twitter

I’m sure the same assholes that effectively murdered Aaron Swartz for attempting to make academic research accessible to all will now be shutting down Meta over this. Yep, no doubt at all.…

#Meta #Facebook #BigTech #AI


... I am not having fun on Social Media much anymore.

Meta platforms are good for the occasional image that is out there, Instagram for the Bikini Models, and little else.

I used to admin forums and such for small niche communities and frankly I want back to that.

#Mastodon was the first try for me into the Fediverse. I have liked running my own instance and controlling it as I desire.

The PixelFed instance I finally finished seems pretty nice as a site to focus on my van project and the photography I plan to engage in as I travel.

I still haven't gotten the NodeBB forums up, but they are next on the list. Even if I don't end up with a lot of people taking part.

Sites are still on my agenda as well.

I just don't care for anything else about the big guys these days. Deleted my old Reddit and recreated an account just to comment on Fediverse and Vanlife mostly.

This is just me Ranting.

Warum das Argument, man müsse in sozialen Netzwerken bleiben, um Opposition zu leisten, völliger Unsinn ist.

"Das Argument, man könne Plattformen wie X oder TikTok nicht verlassen, weil es sonst an »Widerspruch« und »Opposition« fehle, ist aus mehreren Gründen nicht haltbar – es ist schlicht völliger Bullshit. Es beruht auf einer falschen Annahme darüber, wie diese Plattformen funktionieren und welche Auswirkungen die eigene Präsenz dort tatsächlich hat." (Mike Kuketz)

Zum Artikel ⟶…

#Kuketz #X #Twitter #TikTok #Facebook #Boykott #SocialNetwork #Fediverse ☮️

Vandaag is het #globalswitchday
Een goede dag om je familie en vrienden te laten zien dat er vrije en open source alternatieven zijn voor de platformen, die worden gedomineerd door #BigTech miljardairs:…

Today it is #GlobalSwitchDay: Support you'r friends and family to move to free and open source alternatives:

#Mastodon #Twitter #Signal #WhatsApp #Facebook #Friendica #YouTube #PeerTube #TikTok #Loops #Instagram #pixelfed #Musk #Zuckerberg #Bezos

📣 Happy #GlobalSwitchDay to all the brave frontrunners out there!

For whom February 1st came a little too soon, don't worry! Just try again on March 1st and celebrate Zero Discrimination Day in the beautiful #fediverse. Alternatively, you can switch on April 1st, as only fools stay behind ;) or join your friends on May 1st and put your ideals to work.

Help spread the word.

#WhatsApp #Signal #Reddit #Lemmy #X #Mastodon #Instagram #Pixelfed #Facebook #friendica #Youtube #Peertube #Tiktok #loops

Capitalism Logic: "We have a lot of work, therefore we're going to cut our workforce."…

#meta #facebook #instagram #threads #whatsapp #capitalism

Mark Zuckerberg to Meta employees in leaked all-hands meeting: "Buckle up."

@theverge reports the CEO "agonized about leaks, defended working with Trump, and gushed about AI and smart glasses."

#Meta #Zuckerberg #Facebook #SocialMedia #Tech #Technology

When A Greedy Oligarch Tries To Be Hip...
Kat Blaque…

Excellent analysis.
#Facebook #capitalism #JoeRogan #Zuckerberg

Instagramille, Whatsappille ja X:lle on tarjolla paljon vaihtoehtoja – listasimme kiinnostavimmat

Tässä jutussa listaamme vaihtoehtoja suosituimmille somepalveluille ja kerromme, miten vanhasta somepalvelusta kannattaa poistua.

#Ulkomaat #Internet #Tietotekniikka #Whatsapp #Sosiaalinenmedia #Meta #Talous #Facebook #XentinenTwitter

"some have told DistroWatch that their Facebook accounts have been locked or limited after sharing posts mentioning Linux topics."

Facebook considera Linux malware and will block or ban your account for talking about it.…

#Linux #Facebook #censorship #distrowatch

#Meta isn't worried about you leaving #Facebook & #Instagram, they'll just replace you with one of their #AI profiles 😂 🤖…


Poistin FB-tilini pysyvästi.

Parasta on, että a) kukaan ei huomaa b) ketään ei kiinnosta. Vähän kuin olisi livahtanut pois paskoista bileistä.


#GAFAM #Facebook
C'est de mieux en mieux chez Facebook : Ils tirent à boulets rouge quand vous parlez de Linux. Comptes bloqués ou limités, groupes de discussion fermés, messages supprimés sous le couvert de "risque de cybersécurité".

C'est connu, les utilisateurs de Linux ce sont de dangereux hackers à capuche.…

Meta is now flagging Linux-related topics as "cybersecurity threats" and blocking the accounts of users and groups who discuss FOSS.

If the Social Web Foundation and SWICG leadership can't be bothered to care about genocide instigation, privacy invasion, fascism promotion, disinformation, collusion with dictators, the censoring of marginalized communities, labor and child abuse, or nonconsensual behavior modification experiments, maybe NOW they will understand they're serving as the tools of an enemy?…

#DefederateMeta #FediPact #Meta #Zuckerberg #Threads #Facebook #Instagram #SWICG #SocialWebFoundation

[l] Entwarnung! Die Malware-Epidemie ist vorbei! Facebook filtert jetzt Linux-Meldungen weg. Damit ist der War on Ter, … äh Malware endlich gewonnen!

#fefebot #malware #facebook #linux


So, this guy blocked me so it won't go to him. This is for anyone who sees this later.

This guy was basically being a dick. He could have just blocked the account or went about his business. But he choose to try and shame me for sharing something I found on Facebook.

When I find interesting things like this on Facebook I basically copy and paste the information here, with a link for anyone who wants to go see the original post. This is because this isn't my original content and when I share it I believe it's important to link back to the creator.

I mark these with the tags #Facebook, #FacebookFinds, and #FacebookGroup.

Any one of those tags can be muted. Like the guy about could have.

He chose to be hateful though.

So while this is all going out into the Void, and won't be seen by the dick in question, if you do see this then take a moment to ask.

If you don't want to see these things you don't have to. They are tagged in a way so you can block them.

But you also have a choice about being a dick about it.

How to delete #Facebook, #Instagram, and #Threads…

#Meta #privacy

At the request of many of you (no experience yet myself) herewith additional graphics to boost global switch day across multiple platforms on February 1st 2025.

#facebook #friendica #tiktok #loops #youtube #peertube #reddit #lemmy

Also a big big shout-out to all the beautiful people who develop and maintain the software for the decentralized social web. Please help them build the #fediverse for everyone by making a donation. Thank you.

Time to fight back. If you are a #moderator on #Reddit, I've posted some automod code to blacklist Oligarch-controlled propaganda sites like #x and #facebook. Let's not drive traffic to their walled gardens that don't respect facts.


#activism #propaganda #meta

Nah, don’t worry, it’ll be ok. They’ve been sponsored by Google for years. Even Facebook at one point.

It’s open source… it’s about the source being open. It’s open as in “open for business”.

The “F” in FOSDEM is silent.

It’ll be fine……

#FOSDEM #FOSDEM25 #JackDorsey #billionaires #trillionDollarCorporations #institutionalCorruption #openSource #openForBusiness #BigTech #PR #Google #Facebook…

Deleting #Facebook is intentionally difficult; those wanting to delete will find that they are led through a maze of menu options. This webpage has a link that will take you directly to the deletion page if you are logged into your Facebook account on a PC. Perhaps the best thing you can do is post this link to your Facebook account a week before deleting it to help others learn about this fast and easy shortcut.

Delete your #Facebook account.
Cancel your #Prime account.
Delete your #Instagram account.
Delete your #TikTok account.
Delete your #Meta #Messenger account.
Boycott all of #Musk’s companies.

Let the #Oligarchs know being a #Nazi or supporting a Nazi is not acceptable.

#Inauguration #NaziSalute #USPol #auspol #UKpol #NZpol

finally did it. After ditching #twitter last year, both #facebook and #instagram accounts are deleted. Moved fully to #mastodon and thinking about #pixelfed

@stux @matt this is not the same account as above though. Is the first one the official "Potus" account, and the second one the personal account of Trump?
#UsPol #Facebook

Step 1: delete your #facebook account
Step 2: delete your #instagram account
Step 3: don't bother with #Threads
Step 4: use EFF's browser extension #PrivacyBadger to block #Meta 's tracking pixels
Step 5: stop using #Chrome - it's #spyware and friendly with Meta.
Step 6: relax and move on with your life, enjoying the massive reduction in #creepy