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in reply to Aral Balkan

i'm surprised any of these people working for big tech have any morals at all since they are working at nasty, nasty companies. they should be less naive about who they work for.
in reply to tootbrute

@tootbrute As if morality had anything to do with place or type of work. 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️
in reply to Aral Balkan

@tootbrute I don't know. Never worked for them, so I can't state anything about. Job is only a job, and as such has nothing to do with someone's type of morality. Job art doesn't matter and does not play any particular role to someone personality, character trait etc. Thinking that way you can also say similar things about sexworkers as well for example. That those people have no morality. And that will be a very heavy bs. Moreover, it would be a clear sign of discrimination or harassment.
in reply to Aral Balkan

@tootbrute Besides.. At first you should define the morality. Is it yours, or mine, or I don't know.. Van Goghs one or perhaps Tina Turners one? Every single person has different, its own, individual one. So tell me please, which one is the right one? And why this particular one only, but no other ones? You're getting a paradox here, I hope.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I'm always of some mixed feelings about these statements, but this line in particular makes me absolutely livid? Because of how... oblivious (in the most polite terms I can find) it is:

Google has built custom tools for Israel’s Ministry of “Defense,” and has doubled down on contracting with the Israeli Occupation Forces, since the start of its genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. By continuing its lies, Google is blatantly disrespecting and disregarding consumers, the media, as well as, most importantly, its workers.

No, not "most importantly" the workers. Most importantly the people who are being hit with a goddamned genocide.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Why are you attacking people who confronted their employer and lost their jobs? They did what we need far more people to do.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Firstly, I'm not sure you're using that phrase correctly.

Secondly, you're dumping snark on people taking a stand against a companies' support of Genocide?

I can't say what drove these people to take jobs with Google in the first place but surely the importance of their actions here overrides that level of easy criticism?

They took a Stand, probably with full knowledge of the possible outcomes. That's not nothing.