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Looks like Mastodon gGmbH’s latest moves are adored by folks who work at surveillance capitalists like Medium and Google.

Good job, Mastodon gGmbH
 you’re doing amazing, sweetie!

#mastodon #bizStone #twitter #mastodonGGMBH #BigTech #SiliconValley

in reply to Aral Balkan

I'm thinking of moving. calls me but I am thinking of selfhosting.

Unknown parent

Aral Balkan

@harriettmb I have no idea. We haven’t talked since I started advising him to limit the size of And, at this point, I have no desire to either. He’s chosen his path.

On the other hand, the fediverse is much more than Mastodon gGmbH and its new American not-for-profit. Hopefully, the rest will resist Silicon Valley better.

Unknown parent

Aral Balkan
@scatty_hannah @harriettmb It’s not just Germany. We’ve had to pay more tax than startups because we’re a not for profit when we were in the UK. I think it’s better now in Ireland but still, no advantages. It’s a topsy-turvy world.
in reply to Aral Balkan

@harriettmb the other thing I read from this is that Germany, once again, stifles development of open European alternatives to Silicon Valley type capitalist ecosystems because of its stupid non-profit tax laws.

Same as most attempts at regulating big tech are so ignorant that they rather nuke out the small competition, while big tech is able to throw money at it and be happy to get even more dominance.

in reply to Aral Balkan

I’m hoping someday we will be able to self-host a mastodon instance on our phones. That would really be decentralization.
in reply to 1ll173r47

@1ll173r47 Mastodon isn’t designed for that. It uses a Big Tech stack. But you will be able to do that with Small Web places.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Biz Stone sounds like a cartoon capitalist cartoon villain. Is he related to Roger Stone?