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Meta and friends – like Mastodon and Vivaldi – form Social Web Foundation.

May I be the first to say:

Fuck the Social Web Foundation.

I am so fucking sick of this bullshit happening over and over again. I’d say they’re useful idiots but, let’s face it, Mastodon aren’t idiots. Vivaldi aren’t idiots. They’re smart folks. They know full well what Meta is. They clearly just don’t give a shit.

#SocialWebFoundation #Meta #BigTech #surveillance #capitalism #fediverse

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BeAware :fediverse: reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

This is how structural inequalities get perpetuated and designed (unconsciously) into new systems, business as usual. Believing and even being "one of the good guys" doesn't prevent that, it actually kinds of guarantees it. Sure, nobody likes having to deal with resistance to their ambitions but you only get closer to equality and real systemic change when you let that resistance achieve actual momentum rather than getting mad it's preventing business as usual. Actual innovation and change IS often uncomfortable, especially for those who are comfortable.
in reply to Fifi Lamoura

@fifilamoura It’s definitely not unconscious on Meta’s part. They’re being legitimised to high heaven with this.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Oh, definitely. I don't know enough about the foundation to comment on it directly but Meta should not be viewed as benign (no matter how lovely and well intentioned the employees the corporation uses to interface with a project like this is). I'd say it's hugely problematic in the face of the CEO claiming he's apolitical as a way to dodge both personal and corporate accountability. It is, of course, not an apolitical stance, merely a stance that refuses ethical responsibility.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Just pick a different instance where that does not happen. Splendidly 'Meta'-free where I am, at least so far.
in reply to keith

Oh you mean one of the instances not approved by the Social Media Foundation? The Dark Fediverse? I don’t know… I hear only questionable people hang out there…
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in reply to Aral Balkan

I thought the people working on it seemed pretty okay? But it confused me they want to build things for the Fediverse and aren't.. on the Fediverse. What.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Agreed. Where do we go? (Honest question) Tried Nostr, noped the fck out after two hours. What's the alternative to the "alternative"?
in reply to Aral Balkan

I mean even Meta aside, the thing screams consolidation of culture and power over the online communities from "leaders" to defining (and I bet trademarking/copyrighting soon) the Social Web as their own. It's intended as a counter measure against ATProto because they're scared of competition.

I did want to ask you a few days ago of your thoughts on an ActivityPub+Small Web (i.e: running Fedify on Kitten) framework experiment

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in reply to Aral Balkan

called this like 9 months ahead of time....🤦‍♂️😒
in reply to Aral Balkan

Shit... I've been duped. On paper I was happy with an initiative (which I thought would be autonomous) to consolidate Fediverse, with something in common.

I should have seen the "foundation".
I should have seen the sponsors.
I should have seen the "San Francisco" ...

Anyway, once again, thanks for the info 🖖

in reply to Aral Balkan

The minute I sense or detect an algorithm on this instance, that instance, any instance. Any insertion or non-chronological presentation of people I follow. I'm getting my account deleted with extreme prejudice and never comin' back on ANY instance. It's the only way to be SURE.
in reply to Aral Balkan

How about just a hearty FUCK YOU to each of these nice people?

in reply to Aral Balkan

from their site:

"We want the Fediverse to be financially viable.
[...] people building clients or running providers [...] need money. Whether that’s advertising supported, or funded by charities and non-profits, or based on paid-for services, or affiliate revenue.."

"We want the Fediverse to be healthy.
Want a service [...] that recommends content that corresponds with your faith or personal interests?"

FUCK NO. Shove your ads and algorithms up your asses 😠

in reply to Aral Balkan

Meta being part of the Social Web Foundation ( @swf ) is like having Henry Potter on the board at the Bailey Building and Loan.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Hmmm... I admit that seeing the Ford Foundation and Meta in this body is not very encouraging. Maybe it is better to give 100 days of leeway before issuing a critique?
in reply to Aral Balkan

Having lived that with linux and free software many time in the past i am not impressed . So let anyone sleep with anyone. Dont believe anyone intentions. Many foss organizations where promoting github to programmers before Microsoft bought it and then they learned that their work is food for corpoporte AI .
Ironically the same foss organizations. happily co-lynched RMS when dirty MIT administration used him as scepegoat.
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in reply to Aral Balkan

Then i stressed in diaspora and various forums that an important issue is the ethics of donations.
We must improve our sensitivity and ability to detect sponsor-hunters that dont give a dime about ethics (in society and in ecology ).

For christ's sake. Even FSF were getting a lot of money from google.

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in reply to Aral Balkan

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. The enemy is twitter, defeat them first, then worry about the next fight.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Everybody wants to part of a larger group, and usually like inviting someone rich to the party hoping they will bring big treats for everyone.
in reply to Aral Balkan

It’s easy to shout at these people for failing your purity test, but when you take a look at who’s involved, what they have contributed to making ActivityPub a thing where you can shout at people for failing your purity test….

Not to diminish the value that your shouting at people on the Fediverse brings to the Fediverse.

It really wouldn’t be the place it is today without people like you here to loudly denounce strangers for doing things you disagree with.

in reply to Aral Balkan

I don't understand why you're bitching about something you're using, for free no less. If you don't like it go elsewhere. You don't even give any specific or helpful criticisms, just bitch and whine.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I have been undecided for a while but I've come to the conclusion that we should not let Meta into the Fediverse. Let them do their own thing and interoperate with ActivityPub as anyone else can but DO NOT give them any control over our platform. If they come to our project then they must do so on our terms.
in reply to Aral Balkan

The purity of con-arts is most impressive here.
Data piggies that occasionaly need a clean towel to wipe out that mud of their faces that makes them look bad to new customers and new sheeps .. you know .. little boring stuff .. eternal greed .. humongus apetite for our personal data , disrespect for democracy .. apathy to cultivating dark narcissist traits to children .. as i said boring stuff..
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in reply to Aral Balkan

Once Zuck figures out a way to get his hands on us I'mma, and people like me will, bail, which may be the point. I began with Usenet. This is my last social refuge. I don't see another arriving.
in reply to Shonin

@shonin As i said Zuck has got already what (he) wants. A clean towel with the magic specks of fediverse foss and all that good conotations that come of it to smearoff the mud of his face. In corrupted countries the most fast way for mobs to clean their public image is by making donations to public institutios with a good face.