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#USpol #Fascism #GOP


Progressive political commentator, #ThomHartman 1) should have named his excellent summary piece,
The Dark Side of Politics: The GOP's MAGA Lie Machine, #TheStateOfTheUnion instead.

And what a sad state it is, indeed.
Never since the end of the #CivilWar has #US #democracy been so embattled.
Never since WWII and the downfall of the #fascist, #DeutschesReich controlled #AmericaFirst Party has the truth fallen victim to such...

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#USpol #Fascism #GOP

...massive lies:

"Over the last month, you can feel that something important has happened. 👉A tipping point has been reached.👈 Republicans who used to act like they had not heard or read the latest #Trump outrage now show up at his trials and parrot his most vile lies. The #GOP now openly extol the virtues of political prosecutions and disparage the rule of law.”

God save America,
because most politicians are failing 2 do so.

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