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With few exceptions (Brown, Roe) #SCOTUS has been the worst branch of government. Consider its derelictions: Dred Scott, Plessy, Hammer, Korematzu, Slaughterhouse, Civil Rights Cases. It was created by planters, enslavers, and other capitalists to protect slavery, peonage, and property. And I got news for you: there was no halcyon era of US #history where capitalism has not been corrupt. But slavery was the most hideous strain of capitalism.
in reply to micchiato

It sounds like you just don’t like the outcomes regardless of the logical reasoning that may have required them.

Over and over we see the court applying the results of the democratic process, but instead of using the tools of the democratic process to realize better outcomes, we end up blaming the court for the very things that we asked for through our voting practices.

We keep electing really awful representatives to Congress. We should stop that. But we keep re-electing them even after they fail us.

To blame the Supreme Court is to ignore our own role, and even worse, it’s to buy into a disempowered philosophy where we give up our own right to change these things.

in reply to volkris


Your diatribe is vote shaming since voters have very little power relative to wealthy donors within the machinations of the ruling class (which gives voters their paper-or-plastic choice in the duopoly). Vote shaming amounts to voter suppression, which is not very democratic of you.

in reply to micchiato

weird definition of vote shaming.

But yeah, if you vote for a bad representative, maybe you should feel some shame?

It has absolutely nothing to do with anything involving wealth.

If you used your vote to vote for a representative who has built a record of doing a bad job representing you, well, that was an active and voluntary move on your part, and maybe you should feel some shame about that.

No it’s not voter suppression, it’s talking about voter power, the power that voters are using to reelect really awful people.

You’re able to vote for awful people. You probably shouldn’t, though. But it’s up to you.

#USPolitics #voting #democracy