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Did you know that #deltachat does not need and does not use key servers? Most other messengers (wa/signal/matrix/threema/...) actually operate or incorporate a cryptographic key server, managing the cryptographic identities of all users. Delta Chat uses decentralized protocols for key management avoiding a central storage of identities. The SecureJoin protocol is the key (sic!) innovation and was independently analyzed by ETH Zürich researchers earlier this year ....
in reply to Delta Chat

👍 Brilliant, however (big) companies, like #apple #microsoft #google #facebook #meta , believe only in solutions they can #profit from. That's small thinking, profit oriented and definitely against a #resilence solution.
in reply to Delta Chat

thanks for sharing. The link to the chatmail providers at the end of the text is broken. Maybe should be
in reply to Lioh

@Lioh thanks for reporting. The link should redirect to -- and does in firefox. Does it not for you?
in reply to Delta Chat

I meant the chatmail providers link at the end of the page.
in reply to Lioh

@Lioh yes we understood. and it should expand to the link mentioned in the last post. Does it not for you?
in reply to Delta Chat

it links to which generates a Error 404 - page not found
in reply to Lioh

@Lioh interesting -- even Mastodon seems to expand it correctly
in reply to Lioh

@Lioh thanks, it's filed as a bug in now.
in reply to Lioh

@Lioh it should be fixed by now. Can you verify?
in reply to Delta Chat

STOP spreading lies!

Threema does NOT have a "key-server"


"...we don’t have the secret keys of our users (your secret key never leaves your device)"

And btw:

#Deltachat is financed by the Open Technology Fund

where to money comes from the US-Goverment

"Affiliations U.S. Government"

And worst of all:

#DeltaChat betrayed metadata !

"metadata absolutely tells you everything about somebody´s life. If you have enough metadata, you donít really need content."

NSA General Counsel
Stewart Baker

"We kill people based on metadata"

This entry was edited (1 week ago)