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Tech critics are used to being disingenuously denigrated, but Casey Newton’s screed against AI skeptics illustrates a deeper problem with tech journalism.

It needs to be confronted if some of the most powerful people in the world are ever to be properly held to account.…

#tech #journalism #media #ai #criticism

in reply to Paris Marx

"In Newton’s framing, you either fall into one of two camps: those who think AI is “real and dangerous” — a group for serious people like himself — or those who feel it’s “fake and sucks” — "

It's so manipulatively framed, but also seems to be reinforcing the official hype of AI companies.

The AI industry makes very loud noises about the dangers of AI becoming too intelligent: why? No other emerging tech industry emphasises dangers?

The reason seems to be using warnings as a form of marketing hype: the only way to accept such a danger exists is to believe AI is actually intelligent at all. The "warning" is the hype.

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