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The most based game developer I've ever seen that is a "content creator" is Thor from Pirate Software.

The dude is blowing up on YouTube shorts for his based takes in the gaming industry.

There's not been a single time where I've watched a video of his and did not say "Well, that's based as fuck"

Check out his shorts if you haven't already. He's pretty cool.

Also, his dad was the "WoW guy" from South Park. Cinematic director at Blizzard for 30 years.

#Youtube #Gaming #GameDev #Games #VideoGames #PCgaming

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

Looks like just another subscriber whore posting high volume of clickbait videos to WOAH HE OWNS FERRETS??

in reply to Cy

@cy he streams 12 hours a day and he's a game developer. He streams his work and his work is his stream. He's a really decent dude.
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

There are a few things I disagree with, but for the most part I agree.

I do think there's a certain danger that comes with the attitude of "What I say is just true" when most of what he says is just strong opinion, however, especially because the majority of what he says *is* accurate, so it makes inaccurate or more opinionated statements harder to discern for the less experienced viewer.

in reply to Bryce Dixon

@brycedixon Yeah, I'd have to dive deeper, I think, to get those specific examples of opinion vs fact.

Admittedly I don't watch a TON, but I watch the shorts that get suggested to me via the YT algorithm.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@brycedixon if you don't mind, would you mind sharing some that you disagree with, but he basically says "this is just how it is". So that maybe when I see him say something in the same vein in the future, I can try to discern it?

If not, that's okay, and I'm sure I'll be able to find some naturally if I spend some time binge watching.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

I don't have any links on-hand, but I'll try to remember to reply here if I get any in the future.
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

"People over the age of 23 are 'old'"
IMO 80 is "old" and even then that number may shift even later depending on how we progress with understanding and delaying aging. This is almost certainly a joke take, but I feel like the attitude is inherently toxic, even in irony.
"If a developer/publisher does something you don't like, stop playing their games so they'll start doing things differently"
We should know by now that "voting with your dollar/attention" doesn't really do much because the people with more dollars get more votes. This also ignores the idea that players could get emotionally or skillfully invested in a specific game which *may not have alternatives in the market*, so telling them to "just stop playing" doesn't offer them any long-term solutions or alternatives to wanting that specific game.
in reply to Bryce Dixon

@brycedixon Thanks!

I agree. That is pretty toxic. If you think about it a lot. Though, I do see how he meant it as a "look how much time flies" joke, but it did come off really weird.

I kind of agree with both of you for the second one. I have had those games where I just had to be like "yeah, this isn't working for me, I hope they change this" and the thing I'm hoping they change, isn't something that only I want, but they still don't change it. For those games, I have just stopped playing them usually. But, for a lot of them, I'm still holding out hope, to this day, that certain things change at some point. (certain aspects of WoW, ESO, Fortnite, etc).

Thanks for getting back to me with these. Appreciate it. I just got your second one as I'm typing this but I'm on my way to bed so I will watch them in the morning.

Thanks again. 😁 👍

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

That second one especially bothers me because I've gotten into the Splatoon franchise *really hard* with basically every release. I love those games, but the design team *really* stumbles sometimes with some terrible level design choices, bizarre (and frankly boring) weapon favoritism in balancing, and sometimes even event themes which are in *shockingly* poor taste (eg: "what would you do during the apocalypse?" asking players to loudly debate on if nihilism or "every man for himself" style territoriality is the "correct" option).

The problem is that there's really no other game with similar mechanics available. If you want to play a colorful, fast paced third person shooter with a focus on terrain control featuring dozens of unique weapon types and playstyles, you play the current Splatoon game. If you're upset about a design choice and choose to not play you just... don't get to play that kind of game at all.