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Microsoft’s new “Recall” feature, meant to help users find things they’d seen or done earlier on their PCs, “will create a treasure trove of sensitive information for law enforcement, spies, or hackers,” EFF’s @cooperq warned GZero Media.

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in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

or? It's "all of the above", and then some! It's an officially endorsed security vulnerability.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

it will threaten the privacy of any email, PGP encrypted email, Signal message, WhatsApp message, DM, nude image, or confidential document that you ever send to any Recall user. You don't even need to be a Windows user for Recall to fuck you over
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

can we say "claimed to" rather than "meant to"? I'm pretty sure the stuff you're warning about is EXACTLY what the software is meant to do.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

At this point Microsoft isn't even hiding the fact Windows is spyware. It is selling that exact thing. That's what dystopia looks like. yeah.

#tech #dystopia #windows #Microsoft #bigtech #privacy #spyware #malware

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

which is why I'm teaching myself ethical hacking, and how to build a virtual machine.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

in addition to this the iOS Microsoft Teams app was updated today with the following update text:

Get Al-generated meeting recaps on Teams (Premium)
Ask Copilot questions about past meetings
Pre-approved meeting backgrounds set by IT admins (Premium)”

When you have a Teams meeting with someone with a Microsoft computer everything is recorded and searchable for ever - by the user, boss, company, hacker etc. No more confidential off the record conversations

in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

so if you are checking out your medical info by logging in to your patient access system....

just wondering...

this whole thing is mind numbingly and rage inducingly stupid and dangerous

*head desk*