I never ever thought I could develop such a uhh.. "dislike" against the US (gov)..
In the past i've always defended it and living there was my dream but it's all ruined by a hand full of people
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the Americans here on the Fedi and I only want the best for you
But with all that's happening right now in the United States, it's no longer a local issue but a global
Big time..
We need to unite together to fight the fascist overtake, I don't see what else we can do
Lesley Carhart reshared this.
in reply to stux⚡ • • •stux⚡
in reply to |/|/i!!i@/|/| • • •|/|/i!!i@/|/|
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Dobviews
in reply to stux⚡ • • •As an American living in hades... *help!* What our government is doing is maddening! The people of Palestine, the poor, the sick who need USAID... too much to name off. I am so physically sick with all this!
I never imagined my country would vote in a facist dictator. I am appalled!
in reply to stux⚡ • • •attack captured from within by Russia/tech oligarchs its sickening. Its a dangerous place to visit for the time being.
Darrin West
in reply to stux⚡ • • •stux⚡
in reply to Darrin West • • •@obviousdwest I'm afraid so indeed
This all proved the current system is broken
What is "democracy" when a dictator walks in and just takes over
Crovanian (CamstonIsland)
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Three Chords and Forsooth!
in reply to stux⚡ • • •LAUREN
in reply to stux⚡ • • •stux⚡
in reply to LAUREN • • •LAUREN
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Lone__Horseman
in reply to stux⚡ • • •I've worked for the US a very long time and literally fought for them but since Agent Orange came in power I don't want to have anything to do with the US anymore.
The US is totally f'ed up and Africa is my new home.
I'm quite active on the birdsite calling out Elmo's and Drumpf's idiocracy, when not running ops in Africa or Ukraine 🙂
Play Ball and Fight Fascists
in reply to stux⚡ • • •America is a messy bitch. Flawed as hell and built on the stuff of nightmares.
But over my lifetime, we’ve at least kept trying to do a little better. Sometimes it’s one step forwards, two steps back, but overall it’s been in the right direction.
Until now. And to watch these two monsters destroy everything and alienate all of our allies - just because they can - while the rest of the Republicans cheer them on - it’s devastating.
in reply to stux⚡ • • •I am glad to have found a place where there seems to be enough of us who share the same hope for freedom, fairness and equality for all 🩷
Yes we need to band together and stick together throughout this crazy time 🩷
okanogen VerminEnemyFromWithin
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Not for our government, not for our economy either, but for our struggle. And it mostly comes from Black and other POC.
We need you to listen to us and help us by lowering barriers at places like the Fediverse. We told you what was coming. We tried to warn you. White Europeans slammed the door. These things are related.
Tom DB 🦣
in reply to stux⚡ • • •zvhxxl
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Matthijs De Smedt
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Pennywhether
in reply to stux⚡ • • •ArtGeek
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Dervish
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Now, I would not recommend it for anybody. The current political leadership seems geared towards lining the pockets of a few dozen people at most, and tearing down every semblance of 'for the people, by the people' that still exists.
While not without flaws before, it was still my home and foundation - and they want to tear that up.
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Carol Cook
in reply to stux⚡ • • •My country is being ransacked.
I only hope we can come back from this.
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Musk is applying the same engineering 'genius' to our nation that leads to the "rapid unscheduled disassembly" of his stupid rockets. We are terrified, but heartened by the resistance at home and abroad. I hope resistance will turn the tide, but the entrenched lunacy supporting that malignant narcissist with dementia--and probably syphilis--is appalling. Status: It IS our circus, but who let those damn monkeys in?!
Scotus • I ❤️🇨🇦🇲🇽🏳️🌈
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Despise it all you like. I no longer consider our federal government to be legitimate. It will soon become a bona fide dictatorship.
I would maintain that the United States has been the most dangerous country on the planet for *quite some time*. The U.S. has only been at peace for about 20-21 years (!) of its existence, depending on how "peace" is defined. This is not the curriculum vitae of a good neighbor.
Matthias Rex🐱
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Dane Deasy
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Fat_Farang
in reply to stux⚡ • • •EWAN
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Mary Austin VOTED 4 HARRIS!
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Thank you so much for your kind words and for all you do for us.
You actually are part of the resistance in the US. By hosting an anti-fascist server on the Fedi you are allowing people like me to spread notices of protests here which would be suppressed on billionaire platforms. And my primary reason for having the account is another reason I can't use billionaire social media- my book isn't oligarchy friendly.
Thank you from all of us fighting in the US!
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Bill Zaumen
in reply to stux⚡ • • •sortius
in reply to stux⚡ • • •for me, it's the final point in a long history of fascism in America.
I grew up in places like Cambodia, so I saw first hand what American foreign policy does. It's always been a facade of "we're the good guys", but I still think about the people I met as a kid who suffered under Pol Pot, all so America could get an advantage in a war they'd never win
Sylkykat (she/her) 📚🖖🦉🐱☕️🇺🇦
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Sirraheinnod
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Ericka Simone
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Timo
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Ellen T Wright
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Tw
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Miriam
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Karin Maloney
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Wandering Star
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Bob
in reply to stux⚡ • • •Catherine Schmidt
in reply to stux⚡ • • •MollyNYC
in reply to stux⚡ • • •You should see it from this angle. All our national values abandoned. National treasures and invaluable assets either destroyed outright or run by the dumbest people in the country. The institutions we expect to protect us knuckling under.
It’s as if France decided to plow up all its vineyards to put up Bud Light factories.
(Worst part: We can’t simply vote these scumbags out. They won’t leave without bloodshed.)
Bas Schouten
in reply to stux⚡ • • •All Athlanticists (which I believe you are describing) have had a bit of a reckoning. I wouldn't beat yourself up. Cooperation with the US has brought an incredible amount of prosperity and we learned a lot from them.
Time to learn from them again and move on. If and when they are ready they can rejoin us.
Pony Lark
in reply to stux⚡ • • •I'm American, and I don't even want the best for Americans.
Let's not forget that the Dems weren't even committing a genocide the first time Americans elected Trump. The policies you're seeing now are apparently what the American people have wanted for a long time.
#uspol #uspolitics #trump #donaldtrump #usa
in reply to stux⚡ • • •EarthMomma
in reply to stux⚡ • • •signed,
An American
in reply to stux⚡ • • •agreed but I always gently request that people not forget the decades of horror the US has inflicted on the world- it didn't start with Trump.
Genocide in Gaza. Overthrow of democracy in Iran. Assassination of Allende in Chile. Abhu Ghraib. Guantanamo. Death squads in Central America. Bombing of Yemen. Millions dead in Iraq. Creation of ISIS. Vietnam. Hiroshima. Disinformation on covid vaccines targeting Singapore. Grenada. Libya. Somalia. Crushing Arab democracy propping up dictators.
in reply to stux⚡ • • •thank you
it means a lot
Buddy of ours just took the pledge yesterday.
She's here (Germany) for many years, doing awesome stuff in the food category.
She's leaning into it
we all need to do the same
reading this just affirms our resolve.
"It Ain't Over,
'Till It's Over"
Chris Castelot Russia Invades
in reply to stux⚡ • • •